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unbreakable-swag: gorgeous.
secondtoyour-dreams: kimberlybigggs3: I was asked to prom in the cutest way possible. OMG
Laughter is the Cheapest Medicine
Send me a '♥' if you actually like my blog. Takes a second, means a lot.
hayliissailing: sassy-gay-beluga-whale: oncelers-freckles: 90sjamz: This gave me high expectations on what my cardboard box house would look like inside. I guess I needed a bigger imagination then. O_O Childhood! omg the end song. “until we meet
Humor is attractive.
Shot Me Outta The Sky You're My Kryptonite
You're Beautiful, It's True
ziallsbaby: niallhorantheirish: Niall and Maura (his mum) in NYC my future husband and future mom-in-law <3
Liam is honestly the sweetest and most adorable thing to ever grace this planet.
justanotherdirecti0ner: harrysramonestshirt: This brings back so many memories these two photos look so similar!
Sad & Bougie
which-d1rection: Louis.. your pants are so tight.
Pweety Pweasee =) so bored and wide awake
itsthelesbiana: gotsmeamoustache: Lol. Lmao
Swig: Swag us Irish got.
Tomorrow is April Fool's Day.
okay listen the fuck up
alexislovescheer: full-twists-and-eye-liner-flicks: Cheerleading: What Has It Taught You? <3 am i the only one that cried or..
love-tamaron: this is so cute! omg.
You-Only-Cheer-Once: Jumping on your best friend when you hit
peacelovecheer123: shout-it-loud—teal-and-black: cheerislegit: this is an instant cheer reblog(: how? lol shes so little and the flyer looks bigger than her.
Just remember: A sore body today is a strong body tomorrow.
lipstick-feminists: [image description: seven .gifs of Barack Obama with captions; each .gif shows him speaking directly into the camera, behind him are the American and Presidential flags; captions read “For most Americans, protecting women’s health
☼ ☾
nihora: [x]
nothazomo-blog: harry’s moves
If you love TUMBLR, reblog this.
swing me out of the low
Live a Little. :)
Were dancing on the edge.
kevinguillermo: supersugoiautism: You don’t care, do you? do ittt
ordinarybeautifulpeople: HELLO
going somewhere?
A touch of everything
martinfreejam: i think i just lost feeling in my legs da fuq did i just watch..
felix-tha-cat: DO IT! lololol mezz!
9-kidneys-12-nipples: onedirectionsexxgods: Things that can happen in One Year. Xfactor Tour - KCA’s It looks like Lou peed his pants in the first one.
I wonder what it's like to be tumblr famous...
nirvana-teens: boyz we are the boyz in motion
Real or Not Real?
The Best In The Buisness
bridgemichelleee: they looked sexy as hell tonight <3
nialls-erection: i need a horan sex.
Please. Cancel the prank to unfollow the boys.
to-infinity-and-beyond-with-you: So proud of them.