Nothing Special. (
submit your pics
(via aprilinvisible, -sweetcaroline)
(via aprilinvisible, claudiainwonderland)
thiswasnteasy: (via burstintofire, fuckyeahgreatshit) I want this. Not the lust. Somebody wanting to hold me and just be there with me. And wanting to be with me.
langstrump: (via venuslacy) Carolime. I think I’ll need help soon.
intemodiga: daddybuymeapony: (via ohaihannahx3) I knew about condoms thanks to my father’s affair(s). I knew about drugs from my mother’s large collection of them (Rx’s) My father was a racist. And I won’t explain the pain.
(via intemodiga) Damn straight.
She said that she wanted to get high. He took her to the tallest hill in town. She said that she wanted to stay up all night and drink. He gave her a 12 pack of caffeinated Pepsi and said "drink up." She said that she wanted to shoot herself in the face.
(via aprilinvisible, writemeafairytale) Which one did I start off at?
(via aprilinvisible, ohawkwardsilence)
kaleidoscopeparadise: thetombsong: tamaraisnotyourfriend: My room. Voy a vivir ahi si? (via letsmakearealhorrorshow) I love the Little Prince or as this book calls it El Principito :]
(via kaleidoscopeparadise) ._.
thiswasnteasy: kaleidoscopeparadise: fuckyeahimaginationelectronica: (via ashleygraceee)
(via aprilinvisible, elleinwonderland)
thiswasnteasy: loveisdeeplysilent: (via thephotofairy)
(via aheartlikememphis)
(via aheartlikememphis) It’s a quote by Taylor Swift, but it’s so true.
thiswasnteasy: yoursweetvoice: prettyreckles: roberta225: (via cool-kids-cant-die)
thiswasnteasy: i want to go back to when none of these words existed, when we didnt know the meaning of them and would never get hurt by them, itd be so much easier (via illwishforyou) I’ve been called a lot of these by a lot of people. We
magpie-: mrs-norris: chaylow: gaaabrielle: honeyandmilk: beneathmybones
magpie-: ihatetwenty4seven: (via jadeydoll) DEAR CAROLIME, <3 KBYE
samhateseverything: (via sarcasticindiefucks)
caferevival: i want a mini army of these bad boys I WANT COW PIGGIES
"We all want to be be happy. So why aren't we? Because we've become experts at sabotaging our own happiness. Feeling like victims, when in fact it's the choices we make, the bad habits, the vices, the inability to show love and compassion.
(via cigarettelove)
(via caferevival) TOO SOON?
rebekah-anne: (via fucknicethings) YES.
thevelvetunderground: I Absolutely love this!
caferevival: (via paranoidpeach)
(via thevelvetunderground) LOVE.
tahlulala's page: the rules of zombieland
thiscitysmadeuscrazy: (via moshnaked)
fourlegsgoodtwolegsbetter: (and other times I just want to blend in with the background)
christopherxjohn: (via monetbaker) (via snortingwizzfizz)
boundbythinthreads: applesparklies: samaxineeee: 536691: istitchyoubitch: genee: blueskyrainbows: (via shoothisbitch, bigcitydreamsoflove) SO CUTE
I think.. I'm terrified of wasting my life.
hayleysmile: The Gay Movement: Homophobia
thiscitysmadeuscrazy: -nowpanicandfreakout: poisonedhearts-:fullofcuriosity-: glittersunshine:hellomydearemily:(via overrtheyears) kinda wishing i could do this hey Let’s do thissss.
Sometimes I just wish someone would take the time to look past my sarcasm, my smiling face, my grades, and my remarks long enough to see a part of me that few have ever seen.
boundbythinthreads: in-the-dark-i-do-my-worst: absolutelydeliciouslyme: (via whydoweliketohurtsomuch-, accioronaldweasley)
aprilinvisible: TIMONE AND PUMBA !! (via neonveins)
boundbythinthreads: maddaaay: (via deliberateabortion) aaaaaaaaaaaaaw
(via thevelvetunderground)
live-with-no-regrets: awkwardabby: 500daysofshutthefuckup-: what-ashley: jellyballs: jadie-cakes: -whitegirlplease: annngeeellla: erikaaa123: OMG, someone understands. Haha. (via intoyoursunlight) Yeah. I honestly thought I was the only
hayleysmile: treasuredsights
kaleidoscopeparadise: relativemisanthropy: fuckyeahgreatshit: accidentabout2happen: (via missmonge, neverthecoolkid)
-j-a-d-e-: applesparklies: desesperada-romantico: forever-without-you: leilockheart: original photo & the artist Got that right, honey.
Looks fake but whatevs. I’m happy my phone works again~
I want this.
Terrible picture. But I do love hot chocolate, as well. :]
I love Nintendo 64’s. And I’m currently playing Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I feel soooo cool. 8D
Catch the moving bowl? Yeah. I’m beyond lonely.
I want something to doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
Bored to pieces. Hoefel’s quiet, Nathan stopped talking, Mario hasn’t talked to me in awhile. ;_; help meeeb.
allcreatures: No one wants to be the jerk who ate the last piece of pasture: A summer snowfall leads to an awkward moment in Tschuggen, Switzerland. Photo: Arno Balzarini / Keystone (via SFGate Day In Pictures) COWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Somebody needs to “decode” this game for me… >_<
I am not a "hot" girl. I will probably never turn you on, or take your breath away, or impress your friends with the way I look. But I can make you laugh and make you feel wanted, and sometimes I guess I can be cute. I really wish I could be enough just
orangeham: roflcoptermason: tokilee: kanda-: irrelevantsituation: annalikestothrust: jackbarakatsburrito: chemicalkid: sladeenchilada: paigegoose: agentmichaelscarn: totaleclipseoftheheart23: dull-life: htmlwings: Click here to find out!