Hey Lety! (o0puppybreath0o.tumblr.com)
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artistjakeprendez: DON’T BE SELF CONCHASART BY JAKE PRENDEZ Prints and T-shirts available at www.jakeprendez.com
heavytitty: doomfistsbabymama: taxloopholes: lesbianrey: REPORTERS YELL INDISTINCTLY Bruh we really got a klanmeber in the White House wouldn’t be the first time
goldenpoc: when someone tryna disregard your point, you gotta pull out the hands for emphasis to show you not playing around
hennessyheart:i think it’s cute when someone texts you after hanging out just to say they had fun with you, idk little things like that are sweet to me
the-real-eye-to-see: Jerry Drake Varnell, 23, of Sayre, Oklahoma, is accused of trying to detonate a 1,000-pound vehicle bomb in downtown Oklahoma City, an attack he wanted to claim with a Facebook message proclaiming that “the time for revolution
thehighpriestofreverseracism:Please boost and support her via this link: http://durhamsolidaritycenter.org/bondfund/
JUST IN: After white supremacist website moves to Google server, Google says it is canceling the registration.
thecringeandwincefactory: radicalmercy: armed radicals defending St Louis protests in solidarity with Charlottesville, 12 August 2017. by @missjupiter1957 More of this. More of this, now.
songsaboutswords: i dont believe him. i dont believe he really feels this way Of course he doesn’t..
alwaysbewoke:if america was serious about banishing such evil, it would do this. and don’t give me that crap about “free speech.” there are many forms of speech that will get you arrested now. from the classic “yelling fire in a crowded movie
Will I see you at the show tonight ?
deanza: nevaehtyler: riiddlemethatt: destinyrush: Victimization of nazis is nothing but shameful in this day and age This is probably the most seasoning He’s ever seen 💀💀💀 ^ they’d victimize a Nazi before they felt bad for Tamir.
lovemexart: Amen… #mexico #cultura #mexican food
lovemexart:Art by Cheni Velazco
lovemexart:Amor del bueno…
the-real-eye-to-see: The justification of evil by these racists at home, church and in media is out of hand
see-me-with-them–hands: destinyrush: “Cvjetanovic added: “As a white nationalist, I care for all people. We all deserve a future for our children and for our culture. White nationalists aren’t all hateful; we just want to preserve what we have.”
gahhhdamn: asvpfrenchie: I be havin sex in my head all day. ALLLL DAYYYYY
corbinnobleu: camisadobondaxx: allthingsxxpretty: This me all the way *introduces family to my man at our wedding* *comes to a family function with my 3 children and husband* um hey guys, I’m kinda sorta seeing somebody I’ve been with my
honeycurl:i love being naked i can’t stand clothes, like unnecessary weight on my body
sadspaceboy93: Deadass
tretijreznor:sometimes self care is saying “this is stupid” and closing the tab
swagintherain: Sell โ worth of weed, get locked up, sell โ million worth of weed and you’re an entrepreneur.
sobeitjayt: Damn i wish i could sing boy id never shut tf up
classyartichoke: ivsaur: NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO FORGET This is the kind of shit my gay ass lives for Best model on the runway 😻
i-think-im-batman:Thought this was important.
954px: Idc how mad you are. Saying fucked up things out of anger is not ok. Control yourself.
No bullshit:
tami-taylors-hair:Good job Internet! 💃🏽
butthatsanothershow: Why does “you get what you pay for” only apply to consumers and not employers? Why do employers offering minimum wage expect dedicated, hard working, knowledgeable, experienced employees instead of just someone who shows up
arabwife: i like being alone but i want someone to be alone with, if that makes sense Totally.
black-to-the-bones: Just in case they didn’t teach you about this. The Silent Parade was a silent protest march of between 8,000 and 10,000 African Americans that started at Fifth Avenue and 57th Street in New York City on July 28, 1917. The purpose
i’m the bitch and ur the boss
hustleinatrap: Dropping some knowledge on how white people spoiled everything again
destinyrush: Picture 1 - freedom of speech and expressionPicture 2 - problematic, utter blasphemy America 2017.
When a muslim man runs a truck into a crowd in London, the "president" is so quick to call it radical islamic terrorism, but the second a nazi does the same thing, silence.
There's 2 types of people in this world avoid them both.
futubanderacl: cuando sabes que ya valiste verga
secretrn: Remember: doing good CPR is like remembering how to have good sex - go hard - go fast - go deep - switch roles when you get tired - if you’re not getting sweaty, you’re not working hard enough 😜 ✌🏻️🚑🏥
bigbooshfan: pusssyliquor-13: wayfaring-dream: bathing-sun: stevenmoffart: corgis-with-british-accent: yobeccaboom: This raccoon never left the side of a cat who was dying of a tumor. The cat was comforted for the final hours of her life by her
richincolor:In light of what happened recently in Charlottesville, here are ways you can help courtesy of Sara Benincasa on Twitter. Donate to local non-profits, signal boost, and show your support for the Black Student Alliance at University of Virginia.
spragzpc1:When she serious bout making sure you come home to a godest everyday
vividlyme: destinyrush: No doubt. There would have been a lot of deaths too. With the quickness
vanessaahtziri: Belleza cultural
you got my soul