nothing for him! (
submit your pics
Challenge: Edge as many times as you can! Maximum 5 second breaks! Then stop and cool down! Leave a note with your number!
Challenge: Edge 10 times, then lock yourself up! You get this treatment once a day for the next 3 days!
Challenge: Show me how you can beg to be allowed to lick me! (Leave a comment)
Challenge: Edge 50 times within the next 24 hours. Start over if you don’t make it!
Challenge: Plug your self! Edge 10 times! Take your time, i want 10 minute breaks!
Challenge: Edge 5 time for her, while begging!
Challenge: Kneel! Edge 3 times on your knees for Goddess!
Challenge: Edge 30 minutes without any breaks, then ruin your orgasm! You just let go! No touching at all!
Challenge: Chastity until tomorrow morning!
Challenge: Lick it up the next time your allowed to cum!
Challenge: Edge once with your left hand!
Challenge: I WANT to see you plugged and giving me 20 edges!
Challenge: No touching for 6 hours!
Challenge: Lock yourself up! Penetrate yourself with a but plug! Show me that you can cum like a little worthless slut!
Challenge: I want you to sleep with the but plug the next 2 nights. Its for your good, you should get used to it.
Challenge: Beg to be locked up another week! And follow through!
Challenge: Lock yourself up for 12 hours
Challenge: Edge 3 times and scream out one thing you wouldn’t want to do with every edge!
Challenge: Gag on a strapon or dildo!
Challenge: Plug yourself until you go to bed!
Challenge: Lick your but plug! Then stick it deep in your ass!
Challenge: 3 slow edges! Edges shorter then 10 minutes don’t count!
Challenge: You heard the lady. Stick it in as deep as possible. She’d like to cuddle for 2 hours!
Challenge: If your caged, double the time you’ve been locked so far!
Challenge: Edge for her! Dont forget to deny and repeat! 10 times!
Challenge: Plug yourself, then get to the edge and fnish off with the plug!
Challenge: Cage yourself! Learn how to cum in your chastity device before you unlock yourself again!
Challenge: Ruin your orgasm for her and lick it up! Show her how much you worship her beautyful body!
Challenge: Edge 10 times! On the last edge ruin your orgasm by touching yourself as she does!
Challenge: Dont touch yourself for 1 hour to make her happy!
Challenge: Lock yourself up for 48 hours!
Challenge: Edge 15 times for her! Don’t cum!
Challenge: Eat all your cum in the next 7 days!
Challenge: Wear a spiked chastity cage for 1 hour while watching porn!
Challenge: Swallow the next semen you produce!
Challenge: Lock yourself up for 3 hours!
Challenge: Give a woman 10 orgasms before you touch yourself again!
Challenge: Make yourself cum in chastity!
Challenge: Edge 10 time for her! Then squeeze your precum out and lick it up! No Cumming!
Challenge: Edge as many times as you possibly can today!
Challenge: Edge it 3 times for her!
Challenge: Your allowed to cum! You can cum any way you want BUT you have to cum in the next 60 seconds! Otherwise move on!
Challenge: Edge 4 times for her!
Challenge: Get naked, kneel and edge 15 minutes to show her she already has control!
Challenge: Edge 3 times, then ruin your orgasm, lick it up and lock yourself up for 3 days!
Challenge: Plug yourself and edge 5 times!