~nina moss~ (ninamosst-t.tumblr.com)
submit your pics
gay-irl: gay_irl That’s me
halfwayhallway:the holy trinity
hideunderthe-bed:Me after any minor inconvenience:
relaxbabygvrl: http://relaxbabygvrl.tumblr.com
zodiac signs as my favourite old songs
juicedoesthings: vaporwavesimulator: officialtokyosan: vaporwavesimulator: hey followers. have you ever wanted to know how it feels to be inside a bag of cornflakes ye enter the cornflakes domain I fucking hate this website because not only did
gay-irl: gay_irl
thewaywardgryffindor: randomslasher: ciatri: 3fluffies: mufasamonsta: tahthetrickster: i really like looking at google image searches for “firemen rescuing cats” or something because you get super cute pictures like AND THEN THERE’S THIS ONE
we're all mad here.
wasteland-academy: Therapist: Are you doing drugs?Justin: Is love a drug?Therapist: It’s the most powerful drug of allJustin: Good cause I love heroin.
xamucaxula:No encuentro fallas en su lógica
Hoy es día de muertos y hace una semana también
chicacrazyy:“Después de todo, la muerte es solo un síntoma de que hubo vida” M. BENEDETTI🇲🇽Feliz dia de muertos🇲🇽
the-musical-cc: Macario (English subtitles)This is THE Day of the dead film. Enjoy.
miguelcocofangirl: Día de MuertosHi there~Día de Muertos will be the next week! Aren’t you excited?Well, in the Coco fandom some cocolocos are starting with the setting for their Ofrendas. And here are some tips for how many days, what to put in
indigo-arts: A little tribute to Pumpking for Dia de Los Muertos.
rafaelmartinez67: La muerte a la mexicana.
stellawitchcraft: I’ve been meaning to make some kind of portable altar for a while, figuring I’d just put together some kind of tiny kit for travel or something. Then I was like HEY WAIT, I COULD JUST DRAW ONE IN MY GRIMOIRE, and voila :D
cupcakesandrainbowsxoxo: Little One/Witch lockscreens requested by anon 🎃🧙🏻♀️
shitpostsampler: septemberequinox: blessed samhain! the veil is thin and so is my damn patience
make art.
pixiescout: Brother, sister, winter
soothifying-sounds-asmr: Eggception by hakanmartensson
gay-irl: gay🍭irl
robun2: Alright! There it is, I hope you are gonna like it! (>///<)
bunslakes-artblog: I.. I get to have two of them..? There’s two Kirishimas?I guess crusty rot villain got some upgrades or whatever but we all know what was the most important new info in the latest chapter.
acciocoffees:types of people: monstersskeleton : has anxiety, always asks how your day was, leans against anything when standing, hoodies and ripped jeans, blasts music, goes camping with friends, responds to everything with peace signs, looks mad but
seyelence: can someone be my sugar mommy and pay my rent so i can go out and be an animal rights activist every day thank u!!!!
sorrowful-grunge: I need a sugar daddy or mommy I need money lmao I’m not saying I don’t need money, but I don’t exactly want the money I just want someone who calls me angel and praise me every time 💞
vonluftundliebe: oh so when Nitsch paints his canvases blood-red he’s a “gifted artist” and an “inspiration”, but when I do it to my bathroom floor, I “have a problem” and “need help immediately”
golden-dragons-yiff: fluffyslove: zues2k: beta-wolfsky: tucker-draws: nisu13: lady-turiansexual: lookatmytitle: russellelelele: astrologywoah: aestheticastrology: gemini–cricket: muffinbutton0729: danthrusts: thephandler: michal-j-caboose:
slavspit: friend: you know, losing weight is more than drinking water and starving yourself.me, a professional anorexic:
honeycloverz:emtional:me: *loses two pounds a day*me: can u like….. go faster
stickboy-0:me reading the nutrition facts of everything.
sadd-rexxie:leg check + new suicidal tendencies hoodie
:You deserve the best of me so I’ll kill me into perfection.
wanderingbycabeswater:things i’m losing:sleepenergyfocusconfidencecontrol over my lifemy self-esteemself assurancemy mindtrustthings i’m not losing:weightfucking weight
serotonin-deficient: S U I C I D A L
littlefucklucifer: Good advice.
ohyeahpop: John Frusciante from the Red Hot Chilli Peppers photographed in LA by Bruce Weber, 1991
miyuchui:chuuya: once when i was little, i—dazai: *chuckles*dazai: “was”
kmmmrs: I’m not super happy about how this came out but hey a spongebob meme is a spongebob meme
bluewolfpet:I’ve been naughty…
maiaeryn:day 19: prom🥂sorry for being late😅
illukimao:a prize for someone on insta lol[edit: i forgot izuku’s freckles dangit]
bluewolfpet:“Nice and tight…what a good boy!”
prideofnature:Me when my local dollar tree restocks mason jars even though i have 50 empty ones at home:
mylittlegardenofshadows:I know my Gods exist. I see them in the trees, hear them in the wind, and feel them in the breeze.
🍞Bread Baking Spell For Abundance🍞