I got my kazoo and I'm ready to party (neasura.tumblr.com)
submit your pics
neasura:I dunno its a thing
72First of, I am so sorry I don’t talk enough you are one of the sweetest and coolest people I have ever meet on this website and I can honestly say I have so much respect for you! I need to talk to you more about characters art and just life in
Send me a number from 1-500 and I’ll tell you how I feel about you in a post without anyone knowing your identity.
I love the crystal gems so much
natashadrawsthings:Commissioned piece for the lovely neasura OF her super cutie gem oc, Topaz! YAY!Thanks again for the commission!LOOK AT THIS AND GO GET AN AWESOME COMMISSION FROM HER OK?
I keep forgetting how much fun it is to draw her
golookatmyotherblog replied to your post “golookatmyotherblog replied to your post “Why am I starting to feel…”I used to like the paperclip too. Poor Coppy. RIPI feel bad for being mad at coppy for making my computer slow ysterdayrip little
robotsandsodapop replied to your post: Why am I starting to feel sad for a ta…i think it’s dying
golookatmyotherblog replied to your post “Why am I starting to feel sad for a talking printer”I feel like I left out a lot by not looking at my dash. Did he really change? Now I feel awful :(Around the end he started looking really exhausted and it
Sometimes I think about how someone can change so much over a couple of years and I can’t help but think the things that made me angry back then were my own fault, I might even go as far to say I honestly hated the way my younger self use to act. And
bright as a star system, but I sure ain't binary
Why am I starting to feel sad for a talking printer
I keep getting rick rolled today
Describe yourself on anon and I'll say if I'd date you.
I dunno its a thing
Trying to get use to my new tablet
robotsandsodapop replied to your post “robotsandsodapop replied to your photo “Look I had to draw them…”Evil lady au.Yes
Is this blog even about a Grandma? Nobody knows
robotsandsodapop replied to your photo “Look I had to draw them ago”they would be EXCELLENT friendsI can honestly say they would be
Look I had to draw them ok
Want to see what me and my friends do in our spare time?Well too bad your seeing it anyway!I drew the top partBridget drew the middleFelix drew the bottom then vains VAINS EVERYWHEREand then we all drew bees
thereschemicalskeepingustogether:1. change all the e’s in your url to “3”2. change all the o’s in your url to “0”3. change all the i’s in your url to “1”4. add some dashes everywhere5. put “Xx_” and “_xX” at the beginning and
The nerds
School has been extremely busy lately so I don’t have any recent coloured or lined art for you guys so have a sketch dump
romangodfrey:college essays more like
fuckyeahbandbuffalo:vinegod:Feel Good Inc. by Gorillaz by Trenchhe’s doing a great job
fieldtripswithzuko:apologetic notes for the socially ineptSometimes I want to apologize for not being able to talk to people like a normal human being. So I made these.
I swear lately i just cry so much when ever i see any kind of information or representation of aspergers for girls
The Art of the Purpah
You can tell I’m not doing anything in class
School stuff
captainfart:hi if you are my friend then thank you for being my friend. a lot. thank you a lot. you are all very important to me and i love you very much
Sorry about all the pictures today but I just found this picture of my dog and need to share itlook at my dog
slimehydra replied to your post “shnoopuff replied to your post “Parents: Hun, I think you might be…”JOINS YOU ON THE FLOOR HI FRIENDHi friend here have a pokemon
shnoopuff replied to your post “Parents: Hun, I think you might be obsessed with Pokemon Me:”are you lying on the floor again? haha HELP SHE’S FALLEN AND SHE CAN’T GET UPHELP I’VE FALLEN AND CAN’T GET UP
Parents: Hun, I think you might be obsessed with PokemonMe:
johnnathebrave:shelbysknotty:This may be one of the most important postOMG
Lately I’ve just been drawing everything in blue
know your blogger: gem edition
todd howard
fluffy-raccoon:All the gifs about selkies
Ok fixed up their designs
canadian-strawbaby replied to your post: canadian-strawbaby asked:So clear…saaame :D
Also I should probably make a gemsona
Just re-working on their design
ghoulifiedheart:Fire Quartz is a trio Fusion! Of Fire Opal, White Topaz, and Clear Quartz.Super 6 armed knight angle. Jims arms are the longest and are located in the back. Same as the large quartz handwings
The Lone Pineapple
i-am-mycroft-holmes:i-am-mycroft-holmes:I’m curious. In the tags, tell me how you take your tea or if you just don’t drink it.The fact that people are actually doing this makes me so happy!
OK so I caved in to my brain and made gem ocs because why? I have no idea but they were kinda fun to draw.Whats the deal about them ask? Well basically (and please excuse my lack on knowledge of corrupted gems because we haven’t been told the full
Im sorry Im crying so much this steven universe episode made me so happy
ragsthadius replied to your post “Crap i ended up making gem characters”Show em?Don’t worry I will, I just need to finish drawing them first
ALSO JUST WANTED TO TAKE THIS MOMENT TO WELCOME ALL THE NEW FOLLOWERS!welcome to my little blog friends I hope you have a good time!Now just to let you know this blog mainly does consist of OC art for stories I’m working on and the occasional fanart,