Thoughts for Sharing (
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sharing-my-smile: Christmas past
Brunettes Bangs
lightmelove: Details ❤❤❤ Pic taken on the internet
lightmelove: Details in trasparency… ❤❤❤ Pic taken on the internet
ssorrayaa: curvy women like this never appear on my dash. gotta pay homage to ladies with bodies like mine
steampunk-girl: Steampunk Girl
Quello che cerchi
residentgoodgirl: residentgoodgirl: I think one of my least favorite types of responses to people speaking up on sexual harassment and sexual assault is are articles like “in wake of weinstein, men wonder if hugging women still ok”, and comments
thefrenchmob:Monica Bellucci
celebrityfappingg: Eva Green
resarot-fotografie: by Resa Rot
Monchichi Tamberine
Desperate To Serve Her
alternative-pinup: Alternative Model
alternative-pinup: Alternative Pin Up
ethilee: Monday’s…. Fucking mondays
Bite Me.
irishrover85: Chloe Bennet braless
sweartrek: thanks, Bones
Babygirl's Sweet Surrender
lightmelove: _________________DETAILS____________________ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Pic taken on the internet but edited by me
blueeyedkitten70: 💙🌹❤️
Dunkles Verlangen
Bailey Jay appreciation Society
monchichitamberine: Love her
curves are best
missdanylevy:Matus Toth
sharing-my-smile: Avenue of lights Day 4
💫 stardust 💫
Het melkmeisje
lightmelove: Details in Black and Red… ❤🖤❤🖤 Pic taken on the internet
okaybuttfirstcoffee: Me: “stop going on tumblr in public” Also me: *casually reblogs porn while waiting to be checked out at the grocery store*
lightmelove: Ready???… 😎😎😎 Pic taken on the internet
monchichitamberine: oooinfinityooo: hellovagirl: A message for brown eyed girls… Yes, her eyes are blue. Yes, every love song is about them. Every poem compares them to the sea. But you… you have eyes of amber and onyx. Your eyes are the gold people
inferior:Robert Chang Chien
happynaked: fetishrekindle:Swings .
celebrityfappingg: Kirsten Dunst
babyablaze: 💋
always in my bi mouth