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Day 09 Of inktober fest! Mike schimdt getting caught by Freddy’s gang… xD Chica was easy to draw but the others we’re hard… Oh well! Hope you guys liked it!
Day 08 Lilith Uncolored. :) Going to Color this tomorrow.
Inkotber day 7! :D Morrigan aensland. I’m planning on buying a Promarker, when I raised the money. hope you guys liked it!
Another Caricature of Friends on Facebook. they should Unfriend me.
Tried the Graphic Markers I bought today… Not bad… It will do. Inktober Day 5! Minato Arisato Rule 63… xD
Day04 of Inktober! Finally scanned a drawing!!! I like the Idea of Girlfriend being the perverted one in the relationship, so if they ever Swap bodies with her boyfriend it would be really funny, :) Going to color this Once I get the alcohol based
Day03 of Inktober. Sorry about the low quality, this is a another caricature. of a friend which I gave to her. that’s why I didn’t get to scan it. well hopefully tomorrow I’ll pass something scanned and High quality!
Day 02 of Inktober!!! This is a Caricature I did, where I decided to Inked. Going to Draw some more cartoony Drawings tomorrow!!
Day 01 of Inktober!!! I’m really going to Enjoy this month!!! :D This is one of My character studies. Day 1 is a good start!! I used a Kuretake no.8 brush pen and a 0.4 sakura tech-pen. :)
Commissioned By: Back to bordered works. Daphne swap bodies with Scooby doo, and scooby really liking the swap. I guess in my perspective. Hope you guys liked it.
Finally finished this one. :) Sorry about the color on Weiss I know she’s supposed to be White, I got confused, I only Found out when my sister pointed out I Used blue. So, no hard feeling to any weiss fans? Well, at least we can now see clearly
I’m Big Fan of the Volleyball team of kazakhstan Sabin Altynbekova… So i decided to put another favorite character of mine who I always pick on Project Justice, the game. Natsu Ayuhara!!! From Gorin Highschool!!! For once I draw something
This is a Challenge From Odachi65! Gave me a bunch of Characters and a situation. so I did what I do best!!! Body Swap!!! A Devil and an Angel, Caused by an Imp. Hope you guys liked it!! :) I Just notice that the Devil Looks like our president here&rsquo
Team JNPR Complete! Going to color team RWBY next!!! :D WIP
first color. just wanted to try what my friend showed when he colored in Sai. going to color the rest tomorrow.
Going to Color this Tomorrow, A friend is coming to teach me how to color Properly :T WIP
I got very lazy inking the whole gang… Was having the Slight Cold. WIP
Lineart part I Team PJRN? :D drawn this on a A3 Size paper. Still a WIP.
Team Rwby and team Jnpr body swaps??? WIP
TG sequence! going to practice this, more. right to left. Boy into a sexy nurse.
Just a bunch of Suketchidanpu… :T
hello! this is a welcoming gift for kaytheyatagarasu from deviantart, who was hospitalize last week. well, now that’s she’s back i’m happy to say welcome back! I hope you liked it kay!Konan belongs to the creator of Naruto.
Well just finished the kill la kill swap. Just, posting the steps :) I’m going to do the RWBY & JNPR one next!
Kill la kill body swap!!!? Ryuko matoi and Senketsu, originally planned Ryuko and Satsuki body swap but someone hinted me that senketsu would make a better swapping partner. going to finished the rest tomorrow.
this is a commission by tech1114 karen swapped their bodies. hope you guys like it.
I had this idea a long time ago when MR.Cake ask for a request, after i finished the request He said and I quote. “Heh, very nice! Not sure why Humph would be there either. : P Thanks a ton!”Well Mr.Cake your question has been answered. And
digital practice number 2!jinx and caitlyn from league of legends body swap.anyway, i was going to draw the background where she’s taking her to the holding cell, but the angle is really weird and i’m having a very hard time and if i do the
going to draw a background tomorrow and posting the finished one tomorrow :) this was a fun practice :D
it’s still a WIP :)
finished another commission better place to post it! hope you guys like it :D
just colored this yesterday. i didn’t colored it today since i was busy with a commission :)
can’t wait to color them. jinx and caitlyn body swap, lineart. just had a hard time drawing the braids.
well here is another digital practice i’m doing,:) this time it’s League of legends jinx and Caitlyn. :) still need more practice, i need to at least draw a bit faster next time :P
an unfinished worked! now it’s finished. i decided to color it now, and i’m happy at how it came out. now, with some more works!!
Samus and mini Kraid body swap, i decided not to put the scales, because i’m very lazy… LOL the background is like fast one.. finished it like under a minutes… that’s how lazy i am when it comes to drawing and painting background
DC/Marvel Swap week part 2! :D another week of swapping! hoep you guys liked it
just colored half of samus, any suggestion on how to improve in coloring?
ust finished the lineart… the coloring is hardest for me O_O the shoes took the longest to draw…
going back to digital. practicing lineart and then coloring. WIP
rework on the previous commission i did :T
the first page of the commission that i’m working on. :)
commission intermission!
caption me!
ready to color… tomorrow :)
just started with designing JAFO characters :T pretty simple first.
Commissioned by zeroforever Overlord Bob’s Pirates vs Ninjas be sure to check me out on Facebook!
zeroforever’s commission WIP
DC marvel swap, sneak peak! :) WIP
zeroforevers commission WIP about to color it tomorrow along with DC/Marvel Swap week :)
this is not a commission it’s a friendly gift for a watcher of mine in DA i just hope she doesn’t think i forgot about her so i drew this just minutes ago. :) i’ll color it tomorrow.
a little something something stefbani :)
Commissioned by: :iconstefbani:one of her OC’s the Lone Senshi’s sailor X and Sailor Aquila i hope you like it :)
commission Status i’ll finish it tomorrow very tired today -__-;;
drawing real people is fun :D thank you sexy japanese model girl :D
commission by Dracoknight545 age swap of kokoa and moka :)
commission still a WIP Rosario Vampire Moka and kokoa age swap :)
one of the commission i did i forgot to post it here ^^; commissioned by bodyswapfan38 ivy and kay swap bodies :)
bodyswapfan38 commission status :)
my next commission featuring ivy from soul calibur.