Blog: Que novinha terrivel

tags: a7X, avenged sevenfold, slipknot, knot, slip, green day, aerosmith, ac/dc, ac dc, acdc, metallica, iron maiden, guns, guns n roses, guns n' roses, GNR, GnR, system, system of a down, SOAD, rock in rio
Se o A7X, Knot, Green Day, Aerosmith, AC/DC, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Guns, System e muito mais, forem tocar no Rock In Rio em 2013 ai sim vai valer muito a pena esperar até lá.
tags: a7X, avenged sevenfold, slipknot, knot, slip, green day, aerosmith, ac/dc, ac dc, acdc, metallica, iron maiden, guns, guns n roses, guns n' roses, GNR, GnR, system, system of a down, SOAD, rock in rio