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sandandglass: Regular Show s06e18
astrology-realm: Zodiac Facts
love-explained: Pass around !
love-explained: Dozens of science-backed dating tips :
zodiacmind: Fun facts about your sign here
psychofactz: More facts
carisaduran: Truth on We Heart It -
love-explained: This is actually really useful to know :)
love-explained: Life hack : If you want to get a date, break away from your group of friends and give people a chance to approach YOU
the signs as humor types
zodiacsociety: Cancer zodiac facts
thezodiacwhack: Gemini/aquarius friendship
law-of-attraction-central: I should frame this…the only thing missing is humor and kindness. I’ll have to think on how to adapt it. [Via Pinterest]
law-of-attraction-central: It starts with you. [Via Pinterest]
truezodiacfact: When when someone makes a really dumb comment and I don’t want to waste my breath explaining how dumb that is
love-explained: LIFE HACK : The 4 most common date blunders are : * showing up late* talking about yourself too much* talking about your ex too much* obvious over-eagerness
love-explained: The best form of love :)
Most to Least likely to agree with "Actions Speak louder than Words"
prettyboyshyflizzy: quietlyexhale:nizandra:shexposh:!! I get it. No man should slander women of ANY race or ethnicity. But, what are “black features?” Curves? A fat ass? Big tits? Women, regardless of race/ethnicity, cannot help the features they
dailyinterestingfacts: See more interesting facts here! (Source)
makeupfans: REBLOG if you like it!
psych2go: For more posts like these, go visit psych2go Psych2go features various psychological findings and myths. In the future, psych2go attempts to include sources to posts for the for the purpose of generating discussions and commentaries. This
Zodiac Signs: Fighting with a Friend
How to Find Out When a Zodiac Sign is Attracted to you!
love-explained: ONLY 2% ?!
love-explained: Love Fact #734Women kiss on average 80 men before they get married
love-explained: Did you know ?53% of women don’t leave home without makeup on
thepsychmind: Fun Psychology facts here!
Nicki Minaj x Zoe Kravitz
nonbonerary: Panty and Stocking inspired makeup tests!
wtfzodiacsigns: Cancer’s only get dressed because they have to. - WTF Zodiac Signs Daily Horoscope!
love-explained: Hundreds of interesting facts about love :
zodiaccity: Zodiac Cancer Facts. For more information on the zodiac signs, click here.