Trans Domina Mistress Divinyl (
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Welcome onboard! Veronica and I are just back from our semi-annual fur buying trip to Canada. The selections were just divine. We couldn’t control ourselves and thankfully, we don’t have to! I know we’re still enduring the summertime heat,
Some couples have ‘date nights’ on Friday evenings. But you My cowering little shit have something else to look forward to. Thats right, your weekly beating.I look forward to this all week long. NOTHING will ever get in the way of it. I’ve grown
Resistance is futile! I mean really…LOOK AT ME! Do you think you have any choice? Of course not you simpering fool. Be thankful I don’t break you in half like a dry twig. Remove your clothes, kneel, clasp your hands behind your back and
The male’s eye view of the world. ONLY when She allows or commands it, is he allowed to rise from the position of an insect. Until such time it is his sole purpose to kiss and lick her chosen footwear to perfection, to await a blessed kick to his
johncano: sloffsados: : Who will do this to me ? Waar zijn de Meesteressen in België ? Where are the Mistresses in Belgium? slave wishes that were it EVERY waking moment of a lowly male’s life should be spent in absolute
otherclicks: prissysissies: oh simply have no self control do you? Prissy Sissies no ma'am. I don’t.
modernfemdom: you are that new intern.. lets see if you are worth keeping.
a total loss of control..poor boy couldn’t take any more A common occurrence, particularly when released from extended chastity.
A wonderful combination. Shoe worship training combines the empowering visual of a naked slave prone at My feet licking and kissing away, the lovely feel of a warm tongue and lips against My leather footwear and My insteps, and the satisfying rush of
yourkinkymistress: Need to be dominated? Resistance is futile My pet. Just do as you’re commanded and things will go much…well… A little bit easier for you.
malevalsmistress: Episode 332 I have one month left of my training period to considered to be eligible to be my Manageresstress’ live-in 24/7 slave. The monthly offer this month will be different. She is planning to take me to a sex club and I will
mistresstrixie69: My orders are obeyed instantly and silently…did I hear you wince?!
Taking a little break from what I love most. Putting males in their place…marking up My property!
Just a quick shine before chaining him to the toilet and hitting the club with My girlfriends. When I return later, I’ll kick the stuffing out of him…just because I like to.
Thinking nasty and depraved thoughts. Always.
So what if God didn’t give you dimples. Your Goddess will !
goddess-bastet1:submissivesun:No..”- ‘No’ what slave? -No Mistress…” I love the posture. The head bowed, shoulders slumped. He knows what’s coming. His smooth, unblemished skin will soon be a thing of the past. He is now simply property
Mmmmmmmmm, GAWD how I love a tongue passionately massaging Me right on the taint. The perfect prequel to a little trip down South for some probing and licking, or North, for some skilled, smooth and slow stroking. No wonder I take My time…sometime
Hmmmm, why does that tune ‘Deeper and Deeper’ keep running through My head? C'mon boy, work harder! Do I need to get the pliers out???
Well, I’ve gotta go now. Noooo….I mean LITERALLY. I’ve got to GO! Open wide shithead! Spill one drop and I’ll kick the living crap out of you! males: Use ‘em, abuse 'me, and lose 'em. Rinse and repeat.
cbtextremeuk: Foot pulling and stretching his poor balls The power of the stiletto heel. A lovely example of slow, systematic torture for the pure joy of it. males, you must serve some purpose after all. To suffer for the joy of your Goddess is
masodorei: apparitionofafemale: :) The pleasure this drawing brings me. Always loved this image. She is so cruel, and obviously a true sadist enjoying her work here. It seems extreme.. and I have perhaps never been taken this far by a domme..but I
archivallolo83: Une bonne correction ne te fera pas de tort , esclave et pour moi , j’adore te la donner ! Je vais d’ailleurs t’en donner plus souvent et plus dur que jamais ! Mutilating them and laughing while you do it! What life’s
archivallolo83: yournewkeyholder: malevalsmistress:Episode 287 I am my Manageresstress’ chore whore. I do all her domestic cleaning, cooking, laundering and wait on her hand and foot. I am on a year trial with 2 months remaining- if I pass her tests
goddesstasha:Rosie Huntington-Whiteley in leather and stilettosGoddess TashaOnly High Heels Stake the little fuck down right here. I want to practice My face kicking technique. Then stand back. The blood and teeth are going to fly!
Nothing better than two beautiful Dommes enjoying each other while the slave is ignored or tortured. As it should be.
Weathers heating up! Short shorts season can’t be too far behind.
Yes, you ARE just that damn insignificant to Me!
Alluring, dangerous, and in the hands of a Lady with a deviously sadistic mind….your downfall!
archivallolo83: Je n’ai pas terminé et tu vas t’excuser autant de fois que je l’exige ! This is absolutely gorgeous. A monument to Female Superiority and cruelty.
The Goddess approaches. Her perfect body clad in gleaming, skin tight rubber. Her long, smooth legs graced with lethal stilettos. The clickety clack of them approaching on the cold concrete signals your death knell. But not until She has had Her
Aside from the obvious….the lovely smack of insteps against fragile balls, the cries and moans, the power that comes over you when they drop in a heap and sob….the best part is ordering them back into position for another kick…and
Alright you little shit! Listen up and listen good. you’re here to tend to any need I have this evening. That’s all! Keep your eyes down, you hands by your side and most important…your mouth shut! If I catch you even looking at or
archivallolo83: niedererdiener: Do you understand now why I make you wear those leather belts in all of your pants? Travail pas fait , Travail pas achevé ? Travail pas bien effectué ? Alors la sanction est immédiate et sévère ! Love a Lady who
Hello william. I am the new Governess your father hired to look after you and oversee the household while he is away this summer in Europe. I know you’re all of twelve years old and probably think you’re ‘all that’ and don’t
Silly boy. Didn’t your mother tell you not to go out walking in the bad part of town on a cold, rainy night. you never know who you might bump into. There are dangerous sorts out there…lurking about. They come up out of the bowels of
Get out here you little shit! I’ve given you a week to heal up. Now its time to re-open old wounds.
Throw Back Thursday post…wayward boys come to Me for feminization. I paint them up, tart them up, train them in the time honored profession of ‘slutdom’, and of course, chain them up and walk all over them….just to let them know
Just finished an obscenely expensive lunch at Nobu. Now its back to work…shopping until your credit card melts! Oh btw…I saw a sign as I drove past the quarry. They’re hiring temporary laborers. Best tell your kids….since
Oh stop squirming! I have to get you ready for ‘slut maid duty’ at the big party I’m throwing this weekend! you didn’t REALLY think I was just having you there to serve drinks and snacks…DID YOU?
Stop crying bitch! I’m using lube! I don’t HAVE to you know!
There is no torture or pain We can inflict on you lesser creatures that you don’t deserve tenfold. As a matter of fact….make your worst grimmace. Scream like a banshee. See if it makes Us feel the least bit bad. Truth is…WE enjoy that!
You made the damn mess, you sniveling little pig. NOW! Clean it the hell up.
goddesstasha:caught by the…Goddess TashaOnly High HeelsSo wonderful when two powerful Dommes team up on a hapless shit like this. he must drag himself toward the seated Mistress, desperately trying to reach Her shoes to kiss and lick them. But every
archivallolo83:Sévère , Cruelle Maîtresse ! Ses punitions sont sans pitié ! Pourquoi l’esclave a-t-il été aussi peu respectueux ? If you’re going to beat them…then BEAT THEM! This is a good example! will the fools
archivallolo83:Très belle , très sévère Femme et maîtresse ! Education très stricte ; obéissance immédiate ! Dures sanctions si pas respectée ! Désirerais avoir comme amie (apprécie cette belle autorité et fermeté ) ! I just adore this!
I just love it when they struggle to breathe. But that just lets the water in, stinging their sinuses…choking them. Such a sensual and empowering feeling…that plaintive little pushing up against the bottom of My boot. Ha Ha! Like that&rs
Snap, crunch, pop! Not to worry. The boots are latex. They’ll wipe clean in a jiffy.
Where the hell is that useless piece of shit that is supposed to be laying here for Me to wipe My heels on? Now I’m going to get dust on the floormats. I’ll break every bone in his miserable, useless body when I find him.
Don’t I just look all sweet and innocent here? HAHahahahahahahahahahaha!
you’re in such deep shit My little toy! Any more questions about Who wears the skintight rubber in this family?
I just love these. Toes that can kill a cockroach in a corner. Heels that I can spell My name on a back with, or destroy a pair of nipples with. Stand on your sternum and drive that long pointed toe down your throat til you choke. They’re just
Back from another afternoon maxing out your credit cards and plunging you ever deeper into financial ruin and your rightful place with the bums down under the bridge. Too bad your fat wife and ugly kids will suffer too, but anything connected to you I
Like the caption says! And I DID. This bloke boasted that most Mistresses he visited got tired and bored trampling him, because they couldn’t even get a reaction. I Had a new pair of shoes to break in after all. And I had NO problem getting a
Objectify them, walk all over them, then hike your skirt and piss on ‘em. End of lesson!
I look down at them with utter contempt as they feverishly lap and suck away at Me, hoping to somehow entertain, amuse, even satisfy Me. They work so hard to take take My mind off its prime objective…beating, torturing and degrading them. It
This piggy didn’t pay his ‘tithe’ on time and I find that very unacceptable. I hate having to repeat Myself. I prefer to make absolutely sure shortcomings like this DONT repeat themselves. So kicking them where it hurts until theyre on the
Just because it’s the weekend doesn’t mean you can slack off. There is important work to be done!