imaginary fireflies (
submit your pics
me-encantan-los-animales-como-el: megustaestarconlagente: *La primera imagen se refiere a la pedofilia en el Vaticano.*La segunda imagen se refiere al abuso infantil en el turismo de Tailandia.*La tercera imagen se refiere a la guerra en el país de
Hippies Europe
kayascodeliaro: Her (2013)
real-lifeistragic: barriobajera macarroncia
soundsof71: Sunset Strip billboard for The Doors, L.A. Woman, released April 19, 1971, by Robert Landau.
hollywood-noir: soft grunge❥
you're lovely
ins-pired: can we talk about how he caught her with one arm
Forgotten Feelings
wonderpunch: hotelxnyc: forever-a-sleepwalker: oneman-wolfpackk: vin-d-opium: tylerthrasherart: crystalized cicada HOW? it’s body never properly decomposed, stayed deep down in the earth underneath lots of pressure for years. that’s HOW
El diario de una suicida...
Thinking social anxiety is cute is like saying:
sulfurwood: i love this picture so much
John Baldessari
Temporary Brillance
wild-rness: I use humor to cover up the fact that I want to jump off a bridge
cosleia: bang-pop-meow: ever-hungry-aria: the-king-of-poland: kim-kanye-baby: eholaura: solarselection: small-baby-chihiro: ocebutt: dooptown: i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again YOU DO NOT NEED TO BRING YOUR GUN TO THE GROCERY STORE
these-times-shall-pass: feeling sad? you need this blog on your dash!
lunabriluna: umistakeme-forstraight: Don’t shame the girls who sent pictures of themselves half-naked to their significant others as a way to express eroticism which is healthy and natural… give the people hell who think it’s okay to destroy someone’s
tennants-hair: ”when i was your age i-”yes but this is not 1985 anymore things have changed literally everything is different so what you did when you were my age is completely irrelevant why is this so hard for parents to understand
blackandwhite-cf: ♛
muchweed: it’s 4:20 somewhere
I May Not Be Perfect-- But Who Is?
lucjan: invasion
Interrumpo la melancolía de su tumblr para mostrarle este tierno patico bostezando.
taddle: kvothe-kingkiller: deankeptthetrenchcoatintheimpala: allonsy-sherlock: popetwitter: kaalashnikov: squeakykins: yzma: putting milk in the bowl first is divorce worthy #or wetting your toothbrush BEFORE putting tooth paste on wow excuse
brighterandwiderthansnow: michaels-barakat:camefrombadblood:dur-undume:capecod-arabella:truthed:so many concerts, not enough moneyso many concerts, wrong countryso many concerts, no one to go withso many concerts, not allowed to goSo many concerts, all
time wounds all heals
be the color of lightning
gay update: getting gayer
Misery Calls
classicsock: *is about to die* *grim reaper is here to take my soul* hey man i really liked your role in the grim adventures of billy and mandy
candyislove: BLXCK | WHXTE
earthdad:When you’re holding hands with someone and they rub your thumb with their thumb is what I live for
Anxiety Gif Master Post
a–t–m–o–s–p–h–e–r–e: Instagram
grunge-c0bain: grvnge-queen: lesbianslovesatan: have sex with satan ✞ intoxicated with the madness, i’m in love with my sadness ✞ glow blog x pale blog ☻darker than my soul☻
aliensufos: spiritual–dreams: I called it “Harry Styles Loves Pizza”
svnbabe: fhlorai: florxlist: evictist: ♡ follow me for more posts like this ♡ indie/boho indie/boho follow for more similar posts ;)
l-a-d-y-d-a-r-k: a–t–m–o–s–p–h–e–r–e: Instagram
the-personal-quotes: black & white quotes/GIFS
enigmalicious: *mentally supports everyone on dash going through a tough time because sucks at forming words and prefers being silent but still cares*
Vintage tips: Life, style and fashion
heroine-orchids: soft grunge/models
cooltrees:me: all our teeth fall out as children and then they all grow back strongeralien: okay, i mean…that definitely sounds fake, but….okay.