Miss Hotwife's Feet and Adventures (misshotwife.tumblr.com)
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Update 12:45PM on 5/11/17: Good news. No bacterial STD from my night of barebacking with strangers at Fantasyland I in Tampa. Have to wait another couple months on the viral STD news.
So… a lot of questions if my husband took any more photos that night. Of course he took more - would you expect otherwise? And a lot of my pee lovers said that I haven’t posted any of those pics in a long time either. So here you go…
One of my followers, @cg1182, asked what my feet look like today. Well, my photographer is at work, but this is from the weekend and I have the same polish on now. As for why we haven’t been posting or taking any foot pictures, I think the reason
REALTIME UPDATE 5/8/17 at 1:00PM:Well, the picture isn’t real time, it is a week or so old, but I love how my butt and ass cleavage are looking in it. What is “realtime” is that I am sitting at my doctors office waiting to see her about my STD
misshotwife: Hi everyone. I know it has been a very long time since I posted. I’ve been really busy with me new “job”, and as I have said a few times, we are just regular people. I took this picture this morning from the hotel in Tampa, where
A lot of you asked if I got that dress and wore it out. I did get it, but I wore a different one out at night. The one I tried on was a little to “dressy” for that evening. Later Saturday night, when we were driving back to my clients house
Update 4/29/17 12:50PM ET: Honey, per my text, tell me if you like this dress. I wanted to get one you liked too so that I can wear it at home with you. Text me and let me know.
Update 4/29/17 12:45 PM ET: So in my earlier post I mentioned that I was going to have to cancel so clients and appointments. Well, a slight change in plans, as I am actually in Pittsburgh with him today. When I told him of my issue, he just said,
Did a phone check on my husband. Apparently he snuck some pictures of my sister’s booty this weekend when we were with them in Tampa. I should be mad, but it is actually kind of funny. She was making fun of me for dressing like a slut and not
Working on an update, a LOOONG one, but thought I would post this photo that a couple of clients took after leaving two nice big loads on my butt a few weeks ago.
misshotwife: A lot of good guesses, and in fact one person who emailed me had it exactly right!. These are from a visit to the Zorba’s Adult Bookstore parking lot in January. We were in downtown Scottsdale for something and we stopped by on the
Does anyone have any idea what is going on here?
I got some nasty mail on why my husband would want to fuck my ass cleavage - not minutes after I posted. From my “ Anonymous” so-called “Fan”. For someone with such issues with my body, it seems odd that you would be monitoring my Tumblr
HUSBAND’S 3rd ORGASM of 2017 - March 4, 2017:I let my husband fuck my butt cheeks this morning. I woke up in the mood, told him to come out of his closet be and I unlocked him. I told him to lay down, sat on his face and rode his tongue to an orgasm. A
This little gem just came to my front door. Along with these glove-like things. A note inside from a client that I am taking a “paid vacation”
2/16/17 HUSBAND’S 2nd ORGASM of 2017: Like I mentioned, we stayed at a friend’s house in the mountains in Eastern Arizona for a few days a couple of weeks ago. I kept my husband unlocked, except at night, as it was just us together 24x7. I
Up in the mountains in Eastern Arizona. Some friends let us stay at their home up there over President’s Day weekend. Last year we went up in May and did some hiking, this year we did some snow shoeing. I prefer warm weather hiking more, what
REALTIME UPDATE 2/16/17 at NOON: Not the best picture by my husband, but he snuck this one of me this morning. I would have posed for him if he wanted. I don’t think my outfit is all that sexy. I just found it on his phone when I met him for lunch.
Didn’t go to my regular place for my pedicure and my polish is already chipping. Getting them re-done at my normal spot.
I got a lot of questions on what color I chose for my pedicure the other day. I ended up going with a standard dark red. I didn’t feel like a design, but given it is Valentine’s Day coming up, I went with a shade of red. Also, I have a lot of requests
I’ve been pretty neglectful of my toes. Getting a pedicure tomorrow. What do you think - a Valentine design, dark blue sparkles, or light blue (Also, those are the only choices)?
SEMI-REALTIME UPDATE: Part #4. Monday Afternoon 2/6/17:All, I just wanted to tell you how last night ended, but first I must say what a great game! Because the golf went to a playoff, my friend didn’t have time to make it over before his dinner
REALTIME UPDATE Part #3: Sunday Afternoon 2/5/17:Just texted this to my friend who is at the Phoenix Open to try and entice him to come over before his dinner and Super Bowl watch party. Told him, “Are you sure you want to leave me all alone with
REALTIME UPDATE Part #2: Sunday Morning 2/5/2017We met this friend a few years ago in downtown Scottsdale at one of the Fiesta Bowl parties. I have only seen him a few times, so we don’t play bare. But he isn’t shy about my husband being around
REALTIME UPDATE Part #1: Sunday Morning 2/5/17So we have a friend who is in town with a group of guys for the Phoenix Open. He was going to sneak away and come over for some fun during the game. But he called my husband this morning and said that
Meant to post this one too along with that last one. New shoes, fresh out of the box. My Super Bowl outfit!
I got some new shoes for our upcoming Super Bowl party.
HUSBAND’S 1st ORGASM OF 2017:If you read my Tumblr regularly you know that my parents have a house in Florida they were going to retire to, but decided not to. They rent it out on Homeaway or one of those services. My sister from Atlanta and her
One of you asked to see a picture of me in my friends old t-shirt. A lot of weird fetishes out there!! But I actually have some. He sent me outside to pee, snapped this, and sent it to my husband (who of course has it filed away on our computer!)
St. Barth’s is also where I started the “living naked†thing. If you think about it, I had packed my bag for 3 weeks in Europe, never planning to be in the Caribbean. So when we got there, I really had no clothes for the weather. It was late
To continue from the previous post about how I evolved to my new “careerâ€, you may recall from my updates in March 2016, that after three weeks in Europe with my friend, I went to the Caribbean (St. Barth) with him for another two weeks. I ended
So my first update, per the list in the previous post, is on my new “careerâ€. As some of you guessed, I am now an “escort†of sorts. I’m not advertising online or in the paper, but I am getting paid for companionship - on occasion. This
misshotwife: I know that I owe a lot of “life†updates, and am hoping to take care of them this week. One of the first and most important is about my husband and my marriage. Yes, I am still married, and yes he is still kept locked (as this pictu
For those of you wondering what the decision was on bare vs. condom, we decided that he had to wear the condom when we had intercourse. He is going to get tested so that we can play bare when he comes back in January. As you can see, he is a pretty
Realtime Update 3:54PM on 12/20/16: For my husband: Our new friend bought me this necklace. He wants to know if he can fuck me bareback. I told him it is up to you. Even though he is new, he is a referral and I like him and want to see him some more.
I went to a bachelorette party last night with my sister. It was for her sister-in-law who is 29 and getting married over the Christmas holiday. I stayed overnight at my sister’s and didn’t quite make it to my bed when we got home last night. I
Some of you know my husband too well… of course he took pictures of my feet. I hate this color and it will be gone this week, but since so many asked and some of you even went so far as to blow up the picture in the Uber to see them. I think
Husband took this one as he put me into the Uber. Then it was “bye-bye” honey.
Waiting for my Uber. Thought I would tease my husband and let him take a few pictures on this day, as the Uber was taking me to a local hotel for a date. I planned on getting drunk and letting my date have his way with me, so I didn’t want to
A little daytime hot tub nudity today. Feeling frisky after my big, fun, and profitable weekend. I am 90% sure I am going to let my husband masturbate and cum tonight.
I am back home from my weekend away. I had a lot of email and comments on my recent adventure. Many were asking about my friend and his cumming in my butt and why there were not any pictures of it. He did cum in me multiple times over the weekend,
On the left a picture of her fat pawg ass from first thing this morning after two days of fun with her butthole. On the right, after our fun for today. I had her pose like this for you. As you can see it got a little dirty and messy. I told her that
So nice of your wife to give me her phone. It makes it much easier to give you an update. I gave her some poppers tonight to make her a little more pliable. I made her dress up in lingerie for me too. She said she never does that at home. She is
Got my nails done as requested. This time he told me to spread it myself so he can take a picture to send to my husband. He calls this a “pregame photo”. His comment to my husband was that “She is already showing a little wear &
“She loves it. She held up pretty well last night. I lost count of how many times she made herself cum, but I think it was three. She doesn’t seem to miss you. I am sending her to get her nails done and buy some lingerie today, as I will
“Take one last look at your wife’s asshole, it never going to look the same after I’m done with it†- is what he texted my husband along with this picture.
Hello everyone. I hope you are all well. Thought I would get out a Thanksgiving photo, and I thought this old one from a hunting trip was an appropriate one given the season. You are probably guessing that I haven’t been posting because I haven’t