MIKE MCSPOOKY'S TUMBLR (mikemcspooky.tumblr.com)
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Friend has been bugging me to make a picture of our Halloween costume characterization thingies, which HE has named Nosey and Gimpy. My costume was SUPPOSED to be one of the deep ones of Lovecraft lore, but whatever. Might make a comic strip of these
Well erm… Uh… I was going to joke about it doing Uproar, but uh… Yeah, I got nothing. D:
Friend showed this to me. Figured it was worth showing. =3
Maybe this is just me, but I can’t remember when zombies made the transition from walking brain hungry corpses to just dirty hobos occasionally covered in blood. FEH, FEH TO THESE NEW ZOMBIES, FEH I SAY.
This was commissioned by a guy named Shawn Hanrahan, who wanted me to make a vintage comic cover for his gold plated bar art producing company’s mascot, Goldzilla. I honestly had a pretty fun time working on this, mostly trying to make it reminiscen
Can’t remember when I made this, but it was a very LONG time ago. Figured I would post it here just for giggles and shits, and because I’m in a weird TF2 mood…
This is oddly the most patriotic thing I’ve seen in quite some time.
Meh, I think Velma’s hot regardless.
Picture of me wearing my jacket, as promised. REALLY like this jacket to be perfectly honest!
Just finished making this back patch for my jacket. The letters on the bottom are the roman numeral version of 1992, which is when I was born. Not the best paint job, but I honestly rather have something handmade than buy something everyone can get.
BEST. MUSIC. VIDEO. EVER. Also, the music is quite kick ass as well!
Spent most of my Halloweens doing this. But hell, I honestly can’t complain… At least I GOT a Halloween, unlike some poor folks who have to deal with that jerk hurricane that’s ravaging the upper east coast. THANKS FOR NOTHING SANDY.
Made this for Jonathan Wojick who turned 29 on this very day! If you don’t know who this guy is, I highly suggest checking out his website, reading some of the stuff he wrote for CRACKED, as well as his blog! After you look at all those things,
HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! For those who don’t know what this is a picture of, it’s just a few characters from a comic I’m working on called, “Lou Ghastly”. The title’s namesake is the one plowing through those ghouls
Just love this album!
Call this “FUN”-sized, mostly because when talking about candy, nothing is FUN about the size of those things at all… Also, backgrounds are hard, so you guys get swirls of discontent instead.
Oh gee lerk how kerl mah peryo iz yew gaiz! … No, I don’t have anything better to post at this moment. ^^U
A live action Castlevania? Meh, I say we give it a chance. At least it starts off fairly well for a fan-made series!
Yeah, this comic I made has already been floating around the internet for awhile, but I figured I might as well plomp it down here just for the sake of having it here.
I was gonna be the not-so-slender man, but thankfully I had everything within my home to make a fairly accurate Mr.Foster outfit! A few things are a bit off, such as the filter, the UK flag pin, my girth, but whatever, I still like it.
Wanted to make something like this ever since October began. From what I read, Ceres is the Roman goddess of the harvest, so I thought that name would be appropriate .. Or was she the goddess of fertility, I don’t know…
Only a week ‘till Halloween kiddies! Also, found this whilst looking up Boris Karloff caricatures.
Star Fox characters as zombies with a dead Slippy Toad… Was actually a fun commission to complete. ^_^
He DOES make a very valid point if you think about it.
A tribute pic of voice actor Paul Eiding that someone commissioned me to make. Really liked the way it turned out, so I figured, “Eh, might as well share it on the tumblr with the peoples”.
Can’t stop listening to this song! Also, the guy singing in it could EASILY be an awesome voice actor for the Joker!
Painted this thing waaaaay back in my junior year of high school. From what I can remember, we used old fashioned oil paints that apparently take at LEAST two years to dry completely for some sort of simple project. All I know is that it was pretty fun
He look, I found Bugs Life 2/3!
Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still demand Capcom to take all my money in exchange for this game, but I just wish they would make Darkstalkers 4 already. >:I
Dunno why, but I just LOVE watching videos on haunted house attractions.
Just made a tumblr account