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p o s i t i v i t y
kissmeok: love/couples
shediedofperfection: very much so, but still no regrets
Gypsy Soul
actualcrutchie: being an angry crier is the worst because people either feel bad for you or they think they won. like no. i’m gonna punch you in the jaw. i’m just crying i’ll still knock you down a peg.
be free
stigmartyr762: transcendingdiimensions: almostnormalboy: mushaka: santosha65: This incredible photo marks the end of Matador Torero Alvaro Munera’s career. He collapsed in remorse mid-fight when he realized he was having to prompt this otherwise
Freddy Amazin
tylenold: it’s not you’re* or your*. it’s all Mine. everything is Mine
dream-insilk: foreheadxkisses: Body comparisons. this makes me feel alive
thatfunnyblog: Funny Stuff you like?
bitches40ozblunts: She butta pop offffff
haramipakistani: so many keyboards but im not your type
hplyrikz: Clear your mind here
kawaiigod: if i get rich my mom gettin paid first thing
oddxwolf: maybe
zulylin: archlycanthrope: There is no border for dreams. i love this.
andthony: video of the year goes to
insanity-and-vanity: the appropriate response to unwanted physical contact
clarknokent: residentgoodgirl: little jaden looks so pleased with himself The joke was hilarious and at the same time profound
actualjainasolo: darshanapathak: Raise your hand if you’re straddling the line between crippling anxiety and not giving any fucks about anything
american-radical: Preach
hellagoodhair: chilewebeopuntocom: Arte my hands can’t even open water bottles
faithsuperfab: STOP AND READ THIS.
extra0rdinarilym3: igooutwithabang: when I commit to a person, I FUCKING COMMIT. if their depression, anxiety or life comes knocking, you bet your ass i’m at the door with a double sided axe waiting for a good fight. you cant expect people, to always
whitegirlsaintshit: quickweaves: curvesincolor: This photo won the “Pulitzer Prize” in 1994 by Kevin Carter. The picture shows a sick and hungry child crawling to the UN food camp located about half a mile away. The vulture is waiting for the kid
ari-yella: yves-saint-la-nigga: lewild: no: sickomobb: OhMYGOOOOSDDDDS GOOD BYE Lmfao Yooo this can’t be real 😂 CRYYYYING
Just Trying to Have Fun Before I Get Deleted
parkingstrange: giant-tic-tac: liqhters: My best friend sent me this tutorial of her doing her eyebrows and I thought you all would find it useful xoxo Im dead this is amazing
i'm him