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untitled photo by Henry Clarke for Vogue, 1955
Club Méditerranée, Agadir, Maroc photo: Martine Franck, 1976
Death by Tupperware photo: Daniela Edburg, 2005
Boeing 2707-300 Full-scale mockup, Plant 2 complex, 1966
Tout change, passe, s’éloigne.Les légumes, les tomates, le poisson séché se changent en laitet le lait en enfant, et l’enfant en bateau, et le bateau en voyage,et tous naviguent sur la mer, s’en vont,d’abord pour emporter des choses, puis
Cosmic Ray Studies photo: Johnny Florea, Life Archives
brain of a man An electrified model of man’s brain demonstrates how a person receives an image or sound, and how he transmits, judges, reacts and stores it in his memory. Designed by Upjohn Company, 1964
The Nordic Pavilion, Venice, 1962 architect: Sverre Fehn, photo: Ferruzzivia: mfa
sex games Christy Turlington by Peter Lindbergh, for Harper’s Bazaar, February 1995via: djuna
Paper Veriwide gouache on paper, by Edmund Wyss
Groundbreaking (still) by Michael Zheng, 2003
west side heliport video still from Muhheakantuck – Everything Has a Name, by Matthew Buckingham, 2003
Alcove, house on Whidbey Island photo: James Givens
Case Study House No. 20 (Haus Bass), CA designed by C. Buff, C. Straub, D. Hensman; shot by Julius Shulman, 1958
Christy Turlington shot by Herb Ritts for GQ, April 1989
Godzilla vs the sea monster Ed Godziszewski collection, 1966
Natasha Poly shot by Patrick Demarchelier, 2005
Tanya Dziahileva shot by Paola Kudacki for German Vogue, 2009via: larissabelkis
解放日记 photo: Jennifer Chen
XB-70 Valkyrie accelerates to Mach 3.02 over Edwards AFB, 1965via:
Aktion Sorgenkind photo: Gottfried Helnwein, 1972
Twiggy photo: Ron Traeger for British Vogue, July 1967
Felix The Cat first experimental tv broadcasts, 1928
Lia photo: Jerry Avenaim
Zeig Mal series photo: Will Mcbride, 1974
Amyloidosis Node, Congo Red
chance’s car Steve Hanft’s ’kill the moonlight’ film, 1994
Das Paradies und die Peri by: Gregor Seyffert & Gottfried Helnwein, Schumannfestival 2004
Dog and Kite (for J. C.) photo by Giuseppe Pasquali, Fregene, Italy, 2008
McLean, Virginia, December 1978 photo by Joel Sternfeld
Sixtina, Das Paradies series by: Cornelius Kolig
Postkarten by Zünd-Up, 1969
EE The U.S.A. by Zünd-Up, 1969
untitled by: Axl
The Troubles, Belfast photo: Fred Hoare
another paradise installation by: Li Wenqiang, 2009
Britannia Hospital by: Lindsay Anderson, 1982
Cal on the Springfield Run photo: Danny Lyon, 1966
Draft version of Cahill-Keyes ‘Real-World’ map, 1984 via: genekeyes
Binran, 026-005 photo: Masato Seto, 2007
Celanesse, McGraw hill & Exxon towers for the Rockefeller center, 1973 via: eralsoto
Howard Johnson’s on 46th Street, Times Square, NY photo: Andrew Moore, 2004
Life with a dummy photo: Slava Filippov
Dancer photo: Slava Filippov, 2008
In memory of the Late Mr. & Mrs. Comfort, 01, 1995 Nadja Auermann by Richard Avedon, November 1995
Erin Gray from Buck Rogers, 1979
The NY Look photo: Vernon Merritt III, 1969
Untitled, New York (spider girl, green car) photo by Helen Levitt, 1980
On Set photo by William Wegman, 1994
Sunbaker photo by Max Dupain, 1937
Gort The Day the Earth Stood Still, 1951
Lockheed F-104A Starfighter, PAF sometime between 1961 & ‘64, photographer unknown
Olympic Stadium, Montreal photo: Jim Dow, 1982
Huang Jinming via: franceslean84
© Carolina Palmgren via: bentrovato
Alicia and Doe, Heidi’s Field photo: George Holz, 1998
leaving it to fate photo: green olive mama
Sophia Loren photo by Richard Avedon on set of Arabesque, 1966