Mat's Sketchbook (
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They are all original :D I assume though there’s some osmosis going on, because I would think of individual features I like in anime and art and then randomly draw and see what came out. Solatorobo also is probably a heavy influence :3
A variety of rough sketches from across fandoms.
A long overdue picture for @ritabuuk, featuring one of her childhood heroes :D(and admittedly, one of mine as well :D)
noegrets: matsutzu: I don’t remember what Nintendo’s official answer is for Golbat with a closed mouth, but this is my interpretation! This is awesome. :D In Stadium, Golbat is shown with an underbite, and in the anime, Golbat is shown with an overbite,
I don’t remember what Nintendo’s official answer is for Golbat with a closed mouth, but this is my interpretation!
Happy birthday to @ritabuuk ! Here is a crossover art of two of her favorite video games– Pokemon and Skies of Arcadia! :D
ritabuuk: @matsutzu was testing some art software and doodled a flower. I thought it was cute, so I colored it. Instant collab! :D Completed: November 12, 2016 You did such a nice job with the colors :D
I’ve been rather ill the last weeks so I have not been drawing much! Still, I got Pokemon Moon.. and I had to draw my Shiny Lycanroc :)
Incineroar as Build Tiger!
I have waited since 1997 for this moment.. the Star Fox 64 era team is complete!Thank you Jakks for making a childhood dream of mine come true!
Some rough sketches of Toffee from Star vs.. I don’t generally watch the show (yet), but I saw an episode today and felt like drawing him :)
A sketch of Kumatetsu that I had completed some time ago for my twitter (and accidentally neglected to post here!)
A sketch of Ren from Bakemono no Ko, for my friend @criminalcrow ! :D
My Digimon sketches from this post, since tumblr had resized them rather small. Hopefully these are easier to see :)
Winston from Overwatch!
Well since you did those Star Fox pics I thought you needed a present in return.Weregarurumon has something special behind his back. What is it? :)(Is it OK if I color it at a later date? No coloring/inking tools yet!)Thank you so much! This was very
rath-raholand: So, I was drawing birthday art when I found out that @matsutzu had a birthday a day or two ago! waaaaat?? omg well then, happy birthday, man!! Have some Wolf in a cake! I hope you like chocolate! Im sorry its not his cousin Weregarurumon
echoeternally: Today is @matsutzu’s birthday, in which I barely have time to even cram in a piece of writing for him. But, I gave it an attempt, because I can and he could use some birthday cheer. Anyway, Star Fox content below, because Falox. In
Whenever people draw their ocs with their favorite character, or commissions someone to draw their ocs with their favorite character, it makes me feel incredibly happy.So, draw your oc with your favorite character. Draw *you* with your favorite character
Some Falco face expression practices, in my attempts to learn how to draw him :)
Finally finished this WereGarurumon picture that I started 3 months ago :D
I’ve been a Star Fox fan since 1997. :D It’s amazing after all these years we’re finally getting merch.I actually really like Star Fox Zero! I don’t get the opportunity to play it all that much, but once I got used to the motion controls it was
A quickie Falco portrait sketch that was made to practice on my new tablet and monitor.(I’m aware birds don’t have teeth, but I’ve observed that Falco seems to gain them for expression purposes )