Moment's Photographer (
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Feb 2015Bahamas
May 2013Our backyardShot for the Microminimus 2nd Anniversary competition
Oct. 2014Sunrise Mountain
April 2008
#TBTMarch 2008
Jan 2016Cruise ship balcony
ravenswallows: This was a sexy, cow-girl, costume that I took out to Las Vegas to wear at a party and I ended up wearing it at an outdoor photoshoot, that I did with a few of the other sexy ladies at the party. It was a lot of fun and just one of a few
Jan 2016Touching up her make-up before heading out to dinner.
Jan 2016 Costa Maya, MexicoMoment and some random Swedish dude that asked if it was OK to grab her ass. Of course, she said yes. And yes, that is a dude in a bikini top on the right. He’s a friend of ours and he swiped the mesh top she had on over her
May 2015 Ivanpah Dry Lake Bed
NassauFeb 2016
Another underwater shot from the pool in Nassau.Feb 2016
Key West Feb 2016
Just jogging by…unaware.Key West Feb 2016
Our latest music cruise made a stop in Key West. M and I found a little park across from the beach we went to and took a few pics for Microminimus, but things got a little too hot, so I’ll share a few here.Feb 2016
June 2013Our back yardRinsing out her bathing suit.
June 2013Backyard tanning
Just back from a cruise to the Bahamas. Shot this in a pool in Nassau.Moment seems to have lost her bikini bottoms!Feb 2016
Oct 2014 Sunrise Mountain
lucky-33: A little lip slip… 2014 Sunrise Mountain
lucky-33: Bourbon St., NOLA I’m a little bummed our trip to NOLA next month had to be cancelled. I was looking forward to getting some pics like this of Moment in her new black Martini Dress. I guess I’ll have to figure something else out.
lucky-33: Came across this one while going through the photos from the Bahamas last year. I liked it, so I thought my Tumblr followers might as well. 2014 Great Stirrup Cay, Bahamas
lucky-33: July 4th, 2015
Oct 2013It’s starting to warm up. Time to get the pool back in shape.
Jan 2016Another new gallery up on Microminimus.The mods removed these two shots.
June 2013Our back yard
Put a new gallery up for Moment on Microminimus. I guess this one was just a little too much for the mods (not surprised, but I thought I’d give it a shot). Enjoy!MiamiFeb 2016
June 2013
Aug 2015Candid shot at the Slipknot concert
March 2015“Turn around for me, babe.”
March 2015Hotel elevator in NOLA
March 2015That dress is so sheer! I love it!It is quite clear that she has nothing on underneath.
Sept 2008Vineyard ShootThe last shot in this set is my favorite. I was standing near some railroad tracks while taking these shots. A train just happened to come by while we were shooting. Not only that, but it practically came to a stop right as the
Sept 2008Vineyard ShootThis is another set where I really screwed up by shooting in JPEG instead of RAW. My White Balance is all over the place in these shots and it’s near impossible to get any consistency out of them. Big mistake. Newb mistake. lol
Sept 2008Vineyard Shoot
July 2008My regular followers know that I almost never post hardcore pictures. Here is one of those rare treats…Moment in a 3-way with Blow and Star.
July 2008Happy Fat Tuesday!Here’s a very rare hard-core shot. Moment in a three-way with Blow and Star.Enjoy!
May 2008Star is very much into the “natural” look. She rarely wears make-up and preferred that M went without, so here is a rare make-up-less Moment.
May 2008NOLAA pair of beautiful pussies. Star on the left and Moment on the right.And to think…I fucked them both! Lucky me.
Oct 2009
Oct 2009She started cumming and pulling away, so our friends decided to help out by holding her down.
Oct 2009Then he started revving it up.