The verse is supposed to get you hard♧ (
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sexc0uples: hottest couples (x)
ilikecuddle: 10 Sexual Positions Women Don’t Like
flirty-posts: flirty-posts: this blog will make you horny this blog will make you horny
relatable-images: this blog will make you horny
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crazykissing: sex / love / romance blog // insane sex facts
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crazykissing: sex / love / romance blog // just a few make-out tips
islamyat: من دعا لميت سخر الله له من يدعو له.. اللهم ارحمه
warag-3nb: الملاك اللي عشقته صار شيطان سبحان من خلى الزلال العذب بركان Translation: The angel I loved has turn into a demon .. Praise the one who can turn pure water into a volcano!
« وَاتَّبَعَ هَوَاهُ وَكَانَ أَمْرُهُ فُرُطًا »
Say, “If the sea were ink for [writing] the words of my Lord, the sea would be exhausted before the words of my Lord were exhausted, even if We brought the like of it as a supplement.” Quran (18,109)
the-personal-quotes: need some inspiration? look at this blog!
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arabs-in-paris: a-living-paradise: when old meets new
relatable-images: black & white quotes/GIFS
warag-3nb: empyrealm:لعَلّ ما شَددْتَ سوْفَ يهُون A tattoo done right! “Perhaps your stress will become ease”
relatable-images: want to smile? look at this blog!
quotes-and-gifs: Love quotes? you must follow this blog!
hall-of-shamee: ♛
warag-3nb: nevergone117: جمال لغتنا… these not so subtle differences are something google translate doesn’t pick up.
warag-3nb: و لو تسمع نجوم الليل شعري .. مشت لك تطلبك ترفق علينا .. - خالد الفيصل .. Translation: And if the stars could hear the poems I wrote for you .. They’d walk miles to beg you to gentle with
warag-3nb: نزار قباني ..
quotes-and-gifs: need some inspiration? look at this blog!
the-fashion-alba: julian h
warag-3nb: حبيبان نحن، إلى أن ينام القمر . - محمود درويش . We are lovers, until the moon falls asleep.
warag-3nb: وجدنا غريبين يوما.. و نبقى رفيقين دوما.. -محمود درويش . We were strangers once, but will be companions forever.