A Submissive Point of View (littlesylver.tumblr.com)
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my-naughty-lunchbox: frexkiss: ✿ 囧 daily ass photo Sir
my-naughty-lunchbox: frexkiss: ✿ 囧 Nothing so mild as a kiss is this. He takes possession of her, nipping her chin, jaw, cheek, while she is clearly not to interfere in any way.
my-naughty-lunchbox: kittensplayground: touchmyevil: Will you be a good little girl?
When she gave him that teasing, taunting look, she saw the predator in him rise up to her deliberate baiting, and she knew without a doubt, she was in for it now. He would need to show her what happens to bad girls who try to bite off more than they can
Waiting for Master in the proper position. It helps me when you are very strict in enforcing your commands. If you tell me not to move, then I need you to back that up or I will become insecure, not knowing what you truly want from me. It also really
Just because it is sexy
I have dark places in me that actually love the idea of you viewing my mouth as the only really useful part of my face and then only for the pleasure it can give you when you put your dick in it. You want it to stay zipped closed until then.
I would love it if you could get that look from me because that would mean you were willing to do something that you want regardless of how it makes me feel. It would assure me that you have fully embraced and accepted total power over me as my Dom. Altho
Tied tightly and left helpless on the bed until you are ready to play with me. You give me time to build up the anticipation and perhaps even a little fear in my mind. For the mind is as big, or even a bigger part of submission than the body.
Positions are a great turn on for me, but only if they are specifically required by Sir. That is to say, I love the position above because of all of the psychological implications of it. Kneeling in subservience, legs spread offering easy viewing and
onceuponsirsstarrynight: Tumblr shows us all the sexiness of D/s, but what it rarely shows us, is the struggle. And let’s be clear, D/s is often a struggle. A war raging in the minds of its participants. For the submissive, the question of how much
dom1natus: Indeed I am… Now that certainly opens up some delightful possibilities, for there is still quite a lot that I am afraid to ask for.
dom1natus: Are you ready gorgeous? The feminist in me is screaming at me, but the submissive in me is quite happy when all I could think when I saw this is, “Now that is the way to start a life together. He makes all of the vows while she kneels.
dom1natus: Wax is what I play with… Have I told you Sir, how much I love your little potpourri heater and pitcher of wax. I will keep my eye out for another so Sir’s color palette is not limited. Though the anticipation that builds from watching
my-naughty-lunchbox: ➳ღ I suspect I have reblogged this already, but I so love it when he pins my head to the floor. I just melt into his power and will. It takes me straight to my most submissive frame of mind. My head clears, I instantly go silent,
Daily ass photo Sir
dom1natus: No panties rule… you ware them… If I notice… they go down… instantly… Now I must say, it would be so tempting to wear them because, while I know I may suffer embarrassment in having to remove them somewhere public, I also know that
When you are tying me and I am so quiet and still, head bowed, eyes seemingly unfocused, that is because I am so attuned to everything you are doing; the brush of your knuckles against my skin, the tug and pull of the rope as you tie the knots, your breat
The primitiveness of the cold, unfinished iron against her pale delicate skin only enhances the illusion of her frailty. Every time she looks at it, she feels beautiful, delicate. all woman.
thedeviantthingsilike: I love doing this to my girl. Hasn’t happened often. It won’t be often. But it will be a regular event. trainingmygirl: slapping is so sexy. I’ve grown to love it. Half slap,half caress, always leaves me guessing
She waits as instructed, but the spread legs forcing her clit into the cold, hard vinyl of the chair has her desperate to squirm and shift her hips to generate the desired friction she needs. Then, she hears his voice from the other room, “Don&rsquo
I am always torn by the paradox that I want to be obedient and assume the position you tell me, and yet I yearn to feel the strength in your hands as you force me and hold me firmly where you want me. Fortunately you sometimes have no trouble feeling
my-naughty-lunchbox: ➳ღ Master’s hand, my mouth, I accept what ever he chooses to do with it, or put in it.
secretdaddy: Translation : “Here.” He snaps his fingers in complete confidence, for he knows without a doubt she will come when called, for he has won her trust and earned her obedience.
daily ass photo, Sir
This, so ordinary and simple, becomes something entirely extraordinary after Sir has used me in every possible way imaginable, when he has pushed me to my limits, and taken everything I have to give, and then demanded even that little bit more. This time
daily ass photo Sir
dom1natus: … Now that is hot. You truly showing me that my mouth belongs to you, always, and in all ways.
Yes, I will always do so willingly, even eagerly, but that does not take away the appeal of having the control stripped away from me completely in spite of that. Also, while you know it gives me great pleasure to take your cock in my mouth, this would
slavekate: I love it when you make me work for it, when you test my desire by making me beg for it. I love it that you think so much of both of us and our intimacy to see it as something I should be eager and excited to do, not a chore to get over with
I hang limp in my bonds as you demand even more, as you insist I give you everything, every last drop, until you have to cradle me in your strength when you release the cuffs because you know I don’t have any of my own left, having given it all
Does a Dom have to be physically stronger than his sub? I would imagine there are Doms out there with such a strong and clearly visible will that they do not, but, for me and many others, that pure physical difference in strength and size is such a huge
I do not think Sir would react well to that touch of smugness in the eye while I offered the crop. Though perhaps her Sir will not either and that is her goal. I have found that the more Sir grows into his own as a Dom, the less I find myself being bratty
I need to find ours. I suspect this could work a lot like the zapper only quietly as a motivator for correct posture and behavior, now that Sir is becoming more specific and particular in his desires and requirements.
vaginaandmagirl: kneelinggirl: privaterecon: I am still surprised that sometimes you need this more than I do. Sometimes, you just need me to sit still and let you focus, block out the rest of your mind and let the world fall away. I am not huge, but
dom1natus: The chains and steel that tell me he has no intention of letting me go any time soon!
my-naughty-lunchbox: ➳ღ You demand I kneel and then tug the leash to stretch my neck, lengthen my torso and arch my back just a little, forcing my body into more graceful lines that you find pleasing to look at, plus that hint of challenge tells
dom1natus: I like knowing that it does not matter what I am wearing or where we are going, if you decide I need disciplining, you will do so.
sirtrouble43: Perfect form To have exacting requirements of me makes me feel valued. I love that look of pride in possession tinged with lust that you get at such times.
relegance: I do find this form of objectification very sexy. I love the idea of being tied and gagged, and left waiting for you. You would go about doing other things seemingly indifferent to me, though your appreciative gaze would frequently caress my
Your training, your requirements that I behave in a certain way, hold myself according to your instructions, allow you free and unfettered access to my entire body, mind, and soul, even require that I control my reactions and responses when you deliberate
In many ways it is more than just a fantasy. For at least a time, a weekend or so, I truly wish I could be chained inescapably by you, to have you enforce your will on me without regard to my comfort or desires or what I think of you or the things you
elfriedeborgia: I don’t want to be able to get away with shit. Sometimes I am like a child, testing her limits to be sure you still care about them, and by extension, me. If I get smug, or smirk and you do not answer that challenge, it can quickly
hotkinkyphotos: Click HERE for your daily Fix of BDSM Oh the trouble I could get in with a prehensile tail of my own!
d-o-m-i-n-a-z-i-o-n-e: D-O-M-I-N-A-Z-I-O-N-E It has been a long day and I am tired. You tell me to get on my knees, as you unzip your fly. You know I don’t really feel like doing this. In fact, that is exactly why you are requiring it. As i begin,
Cuffs and a corset, a classic combination that always works for me.
I think the reason I need you to demand the striptease that you know I love doing for you, is because a woman experiences a thrill of power over a man when she does this. The submissive in me needs you to take that from me by being the one to call the
A different kind of torment and test of submission. Her Master controls even the tastes in her mouth.
agentlemanandasavage: babybrooklyn26: bbbwitched: Deep. Mmmmmm and pin me down like that…. Gentleman Savage It’s about your will over mine, you proving that you are perfectly capable of overpowering me and taking me right there on the hard
You knew when you left me at home all day locked in my collar, cuffs, and chastity belt that I would have to look in the mirror, see myself in those potent symbols of my slavery to you.
You love to make me walk with the my ankles shackled, don’t you? You love knowing that every step I take, I have to be keenly conscious of my stride, keeping me ever aware and cognizant of your control over me, The clanking of the chain on the floor
Daily ass photo Sir.
Sir bought himself a present for my birthday, and today he used it on me. I cannot believe how far we have come, how much of a Dom he has become. I have always wanted to be able to kneel and look at him with such utter devotion, to want to bow at his
daily ass photo Sir.
thesweettouchofdominance: lovinglyhandmadepornography: Autumn’s Cunt is Frightened! I welcome your inner sadist. I love to see that look of pleasure as you drive me closer and closer to the edge of my endurance. I want you to push me so hard I truly
luciasmaster: What do you think I expect when I come home today? I don’t know Sir, but I truly look forward to you telling me so that I can obey. Speaking of obey, a strange little shift seemed to occur today in Sir’s and my relationship.