I am so sorry (knightsmile.tumblr.com)
submit your pics
I tried <.<
tiarawhynot: Pinkie knows where it’s at!
just-a-normality: Manifesto || Ava’s Demon The short fanvideo by xmeulin reminded me of this video I found not long ago, that is also super amazing. Check out the totally awesome webcomic, Ava’s Demon This is cool~
braeburned: Been a while since I’ve done a good ol’ apple family get-together! A revised commission from the gracious Zurix! Original an ocxcanon picture that he let me make alternate versions of (Which i think i’ll make my policy in the future,
derpah: A very nice friend lent me his intuos 5, and it´s a loooot more accurate than the old one, so expect some better art, and sorry for being so inactive, I have a loooot of homework :/, So have a quick trixie butt… O///O
skipsy: Can’t go too long without a Vinyl butt. Plus it’s wallpaper sized! :D Nice~
ponypicnic: fearingfun: The Sparkle household is always having a good time somewhere… I wonder what an entire Sparkle family reunion would be like. I want Shineing armor to lick me there O//^\O
infernal-beggar: I steal all of WickedSilly’s Senpai’s EVERY. SINGLE. ONE! Art also done by Her as well, i said i’d post it. and now i have.
template93: A commission from Knightsmile So bucking HOT!!!~
template93: A Commission from Knightsmile Hi OC finds comfort in the night sky while down, and also getting his cutie mark. yay~
rainbowartscreen: Have fun with the Fluttershy ! O///O
mlpadultsonly: Artist: http://ajinarts.tumblr.com/ TheWarden/Moonawithdebuts Old but beautiful O///O
askflufflepuff: I forgot I did this months ago. I think it was suppose to be the original Valentine’s Day special but then I forgot about it. Or something. I dunno…All I know is that the song fits too well.So I figured I’d update it and upload
template93: ~ NSFW - Self Punishment ~ A commission from jmhguy Rarity feels like she has been a naughty pony as of late, and needs some punishing to make up for it. so she gets gaged up, dressed, and then straps a dildo on one her Mannequin’s, Animated
infernal-beggar: accidentalsketchins: yes i am prepared for any weather Oregonians me as a little kid >.<
ask-the-sk8er-pones: ((Mod note: I’m just testing out this semi-anthro style, and I quite like it! It’s really enjoyable to draw. I want to practice more with two legged characters anyway. Also changed my line art style, I was never fond of the sketchy
bla bla bla XD
skipsy: Obviously inspired by that punkish looking grown up sweetie belle going around. Just something random! O////O bad ass sexiness~
dennybutt: My versions of the male 6. (mane 6 as stallions). From left to right: Flickerfly, Perky Pie, AJ, Rhinestone, Dusk Spark, Rainbow Rush. These aren’t that great but I really didn’t like the popular fanon ones so I wanted to make my own.
staggeredline: I love good line art, but I hate drawing it. Fortunately, 3mangos had spare. O//^\O
dixiebiscuit-cafe: Aaay, Wigglies! And that’s why Michael hates slimes. - Deyogee O///O
prettyponyplot: I don’t know, don’t ask me. Dicks
nashefn: twitchmusic: I think nashefn should see this I am inclined to agree. Cute~
Meowth is my favorite Pokemon~ Why do people think thats weird?
ask-oddends: Mod: Odd as a fox x3 Will delete soon Design by : http://cherryqueenx.tumblr.com/ 3cute~
skipsy: Something quick to fill in that male gap :3 >//////////<
infernal-beggar: the R63 version of my OC is a whore according to WickedSilly because she’s wearing lip gloss. I’m not going to deny it but, i won’t confirm it… that’s for the future to say or for some people who feel like asking. Thanks for
atrylplus: Crusader’s ValentinesThank you all who supported the folio, and I hope everyone enjoyed it :) ( they are 18 of course, I often don’t draw cutie marks on my anthros ) hehe why do I find this more cute then erotic? O///<
atryl: Pegasus Love guess what I forgot to post on Valentines Day :D >///<
ask-caramel-pony: I wanna say thank you for such a warm return to tumblr everypony! WIthin only 3 days, I managed to gain back all of the followers I had lost (Which was nearly 25) and pushed past 1000 followers! Cutie Candy pony will be ecstatic to
whyarentibritish: thisonenerdychick: laughlikealoononloontablets: So basically muggle sugar quills?? oh my god youre right I want this <.<
teasingsilly: drawponies: Doodle Time: Special Somepony by WickedSilly Some Valentine’s Day silliness for you all. I love you, thank you for being such amazing fans! Hi WickedSilly here! or em..TeasingSilly to you lovely folks. I did this on my deviant
30minchallenge: …Guess some people want sexy time with a TimeColt 0_0 Thanks to all who participated! Tune in next time for the Next Asian Challenge!! Nice ~
Belly Belly Belly~
bluecat9837: 플러터샤이를 괴롭히는 핑키파이를 혼내줍시다 >:(
rangerpone: Big Mac you don’t have to open your muzzle that wide……Zecora doesn’t even have a horsie wiener… XD
maccoffee: Q: Coffee in Senketsu drugs. >///////////< So hot~~~~~
starykrow: Full image HERE Commission from Silver9000 Nice~
Reblog if you have no Valentine.
Happy Valentine’s Day! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! Your the best friend I pony can ask for softbeat~
Thank you cutie~
regxy: pink4coquine: Maybe I should put a pant ? Quick doodle warm up on the stream Mh, Pinkamena. <3 O///O
ask-that-brown-pony: My duty is done. That anon pony is so cute ~
slugboxcreatureart: nsfw-kissurai: with and without the wordsุ nsfw commission for Ohnine! Thanks bud!! Rai is my color senpai.
braeburned: sweet-apple-secrets: “Ah may be "big”, but that don’t mean nothin’ once ya meet ‘bigger’" GUESS WHAT (textless version here) This just got me so dam hard >///<
derpah: Happy Hearts & Hooves Day! I tried to wait, but I couldn’t help myself, let’s get all the valentine’s day porn started!! <3
teasingsilly: Felt like drawing some Princess cuties :3 Enjoy <3 (If you follow this blog beware…lots of nsfw) yay~
archesponies: 4:37 tiebreaker by huebris ^///^
raspdraws: Finished!Commissioned by long-hair-commissioner, part of the sketch auction. I have to re-blog this <///<
lizombie-nsfw: Love is in the air! As well as the faint smell of hay. Coming this February 14th is our Valentines Day P♥nies Folio! This pack includes high quality artwork from many of your favorite MLP artists in the community: Pwny³ Cyancapsule
braeburned: THIS TURNED OUT REALLY CUTE you guys are gonna like it i think Soon! I cant wait >///<
ask-toby-the-pony: hehehe (Im sooo sorry XD) wat Omg I’m crying :’D You like that don’t you? ;)
jarvofbutts: You know you love it! o3o A little edit of Whoop’s sexy sketch. (with permission of course) I also wanted to add a leash to the collar, but I couldn’t find a way to make it work. Maybe another time tho’ Oh god this is go hot O///O