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Adventure Time Comics #1 variant cover by former character & prop supervisor Derek Kirk Kim
adventuretime: Congratulations, Tom & Jason The Emmys people have announced this year’s juried award winners in animation. Hats off to Tom Herpich and Jason Kolowski for receiving awards for their work on Adventure Time. This is the second Adventure
PEOW Kickstarter incentive drawing by storyboard artist Hanna K. Nyström
charmainevee: ★★★Adventure Time Ping Pong Lunch★★★ A riveting sports anime coming soon!! by storyboard revisionist Charmaine Verhagen
Preboot - title carddesigned by Aleks Sennwaldpainted by Joy Ang
Preboot - title carddesigned by Aleks Sennwald
Bun Bun concept sketch by Adam Muto
Something Big title card concepts by character & prop designer Michael DeForge
Adventure Time Comics cover (unused) by Over the Garden Wall creator Patrick McHale and his son
Daddy-Daughter Card Wars concept drawing by writer/storyboard artist Steve WolfhardADVENTURE TIME at SAN DIEGO COMIC-CON 2016! Sorta! No panel this year but there are a couple AT-related events. Word is there will be a preview of the upcoming episode Preb
skronked: hey New Englanders! i will be talking about my time working in animation and drawing comics at the chelmsford center for the arts in Chelmsford, Massachusetts friday July 22nd at 8:00 pm. if you are nearby and have an interest in seeing the
royalboiler: I drew a #moebiustime drawing based on this Moebius drawing by guest storyboard artist/writer Brandon Graham
The More You Moe, The Moe You Know title card concepts by storyboard artist Steve Wolfhard
Teen Jakeby storyboard revisionist Charmaine Verhagen
wolfhard: I pitched these drawings and a rough outline to Adam early 2014. A lot of the stuff stayed and a lot of the stuff changed for the absolute better, (although I still want to use that exchange between Moniker and Charlie one day.) In the pitched
wolfhard: Daddy-Daughter Card Wars airs this Thursday, July 7th, at 7:30/6:30c, so watch it! Not only was this my first time boarding with a partner other than Tom, but it was my first time boarding with Adam Muto which I was very excited for. I can’t
Daddy-Daughter Card Wars - title carddesigned by Steve Wolfhardpainted by Joy Angpremieres Thursday, July 7th at 7:30/6:30c on Cartoon Network
halfglovepunch: Just another Marceline sketch. by character & prop designer Benjamin Anders
Adventure Time Comics #1 SDCC Exclusive cover by Over the Garden Wall creator Patrick McHale. (edit: painted by Chrystin Garland)
eiffelart: So back in…Woof, a while ago, now - I was asked by my friend and art hero Lindsay if I’d like to do backgrounds on a special episode of Adventure Time. The ep is called Beyond the Grotto and I might sound biased but it’s really really
smallbutera: Hello! As you might have seen, we animated, designed, and directed a seven minute sequence recently in the Adventure Time episode titled “Beyond the Grotto”. It was such a delight and joy to work on, where we were given a TON of creative
Daddy-Daughter Card Wars premieres Thursday, July 7th on Cartoon Network
pollyguo: The Music Hole, an Adventure Time episode I boarded with @andressalaff premieres tomorrow night, Thursday June 23rd at 7:30/6:30c on Cartoon Network Feat. music from @whoismitski and many others! Plus some special animation from @juliasrednicki
The Thin Yellow Line title card concepts by character & prop designer Michael DeForge
I Am a Sword concept sketch by Adam Muto
The Music Hole - title carddesigned by Andres Salaffpainted by Joy Angpremieres Thursday June 23rd at 7:30/6:30c on Cartoon Network
The Music Hole premieres Thursday, June 23rd at 7:30/6:30c on Cartoon Network
halfglovepunch: A cool down sketch I did after work the other day #marceline #adventuretime by character & prop designer Benjamin Anders
written and storyboarded by Hanna K. Nyström & Adam Mutoadditional storyboard clean-up - Erik Fountainsupervising director - Elizabeth Itostoryboard supervisor - Erik Fountain
sennwald: The first Adventure Time episode I storyboarded airs tomorrow at 7:30pm! I boarded this one with the super delightful Kris Mukai! promo by writer/storyboard artist Aleks SennwaldFive Short Tables premieres Thursday, May 26th at 7:30/6:30c
Five Short Tables - title carddesigned by Aleks Sennwaldpainted by Joy Angpremieres Thursday, May 26th at 7:30/6:30c on Cartoon Network
written and storyboarded by Ako Castuera & Jesse Moynihansupervising director - Andres Salaffstoryboard supervisor - Erik Fountaintiming director - Don Judgestoryboard revisionists - Julia Srednicki & Polly Guo
Five Short Tables premieres Thursday, May 26th at 7:30/6:30c on Cartoon Network
Elemental - title carddesigned & painted by Joy Angpremieres Thursday, May 19th at 7:45/6:45c on Cartoon Network
Elemental premieres Thursday, May 19th at 7:45/6:45c on Cartoon Network
gingerlandcomics: new ep new ep promo by writer/storyboard artist Sam AldenNormal Man premieres Thursday, May 12th at 7:45/6:45c on Cartoon Network
Normal Man - title carddesigned by Sam Aldenpainted by Joy Angpremieres Thursday, May 12th at 7:45/6:45c on Cartoon Network
concept drawings for Lady Rainicorn of the Crystal Dimensionby character & prop supervisor Derek Kirk Kim
Normal Man premieres Thursday, May 12th at 7:45/6:45c on Cartoon Network
promo by writer/storyboard artist Seo KimBun Bun premieres Thursday, May 5th at 7:45/6:45c on Cartoon Network
skronked: more assorted backgrounds from Adventure Time episodes: broke his crown flute spell frog seasons by BG designer Andy Ristaino
Bun Bun - title carddesigned by Michael DeForgepainted by Joy Angpremieres Thursday, May 5th at 7:45/6:45c on Cartoon Network
joy-ang: My painting for Adventure Time’s Card Wars DVD case Adventure Time: Card Wars DVD cover artwork designed and painted by character & prop designer Joy AngThe DVD will be released on July 12th
Bandit Princess concept art from I Am a Swordby writer/storyboard artist Sam Alden
skronked: some assorted backgrounds from Adventure Time episodes: i am sword beyond the grotto don’t look thin yellow line by BG designer Andy Ristaino
gingerlandcomics: sketches to finals for I Am A Sword’s titlecard, designed by me and painted by Joy Ang, direction by Adam Muto.
Frog Seasons: Winter (an Adventure Time short) premieres Saturday, April 23rd on Cartoon Network. It airs at the end of an hour of Adventure Time starting at 7/6c
I Am a Sword - title carddesigned by Sam Aldenpainted by Joy Angpremieres Saturday, April 23rd at 7/6c on Cartoon Network
gingerlandcomics: new episode this saturday, feat. amy sedaris yall promo by writer/storyboard artist Sam AldenI Am a Sword premieres Saturday, April 23rd at 7/6c on Cartoon Network
I Am a Sword premieres Saturday, April 23rd at 7/6c on Cartoon Network
Broke His Crown title card concepts by storyboard artist Hanna K. Nyström
skronked: here are some BGs i drew for the Adventure time episode Flute Spell. i think the final bgs got changed a bit from these versions. -a selected background layouts from Flute SpellBG designer - Andy Ristaino
Beyond the Grotto title card concepts by Lindsay and Alex Small-Butera
Frog Seasons: Autumn (an Adventure Time short) premieres Saturday, April 16th on Cartoon Network. It airs at the end of an hour of Adventure Time starting at 7/6c
Lady Rainicorn of the Crystal Dimension - title carddesigned by Joy Angpainted by Joy Angpremieres Saturday, April 16th at 7/6c on Cartoon Network
Lady Rainicorn of the Crystal Dimension premieres Saturday, April 16th at 7/6c on Cartoon Network