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cryptid-artist: Todomomo Inktober Days 6-10Prompts by: @bunkitz
blissuniverse: She was bright…
cille-lille: Pathetic Side?! WHERE???
novanoah: No one will ever convince me that this didn’t happen. Mama!Riza would take care of baby Ed when he went to Central for the very first time to take the State Alchemist exam and Roy and his jealousy would flip a shit over it. Once Ed notices
b-griveros: Because reading May I Feel gives me a lot of FEELINGS mental images and drawing is the only way to stay saneBoth of those are based in the third chapter written by @capthawkeye and @tsaritsa <3 thank you for sharing your worksAlso, have
tomochingus: royai
b-griveros: 040118 Holding bae@capthawkeye suggested Riza holding Roy because it’s always HIM holding HER and I loved the idea
oodles of doodles
kannra21: Kids love Hawks and Fuyumi thinks this is just adorable.Some people said that this ship needs more love so I’ll start working on it. Hope you like this quick lil art.
hazel0217: hazel0217: hazel0217: hazel0217: hazel0217: hazel0217: hazel0217: hazel0217: Bakusquat. Bakusquadt. Dekusquadt. time for a squadt down weed wheyy mightsquadt gokusquadt RICH KIDS SQUADT
littleroundpumpkin: Trying to catch up on Inktober! Up to day 8 now! Halfway there! Got some Bakumomo, Todomomo Vamp AU, a self portrait and an old OC. Enjoy. @todomomo @transforme-moi @bronze-sau-luoi you guys know what you influenced
cchen100: Speak no Evil, Hear no Evil & See no Evil 🙊🙉🙈 Sorry for being so inactive lately, but I’m back ㅠㅠㅠ
kawaiikrisschan: Waltz
megidolan:just a lil thing for a pouch
ms-pigtails: DJD Week day 1: RoleswapI never pass opportunity to do roleswap.
min-does-art: perhaps im in love with momo yaoyorozu 💌 (click for better quality)
nadaboodraws: Inktober Day #6: Class 1-A’s Best Girls ( they deserve more appreciation)
szajnie:After hours
wishlaced: more drawings from twitter: @wishlaced 🎀
kawaiikrisschan: “Is this your erogenous zone, Kacchan?”
susanarodriguesart: #inktober2018 #inktober day5- Phantom of the opera staring Shoto Todoroki as the Phantom and Momo Yaoyorozu as Christine
ttodomomos: ❤︎ Yaoyorozu Momo + hair down ❤︎
thisisxianne: Inktober day 4 featuring yaomomo!!
crazyman185: Well, this is different than my usual commission requests. A crossover!This MHA x Persona 5 commission was made possible by @anush-arts and has been in the works for some time but it’s done and it looks amazing!How this came about was
cherriielle: ethereal garden 🌿🌸( my full piece for @the-heroine-mystique )
luupsiearts: so proud of the girls!!
elenblacks: Bnha by TempestDH
kimopoleis: I love taking my sweet time when I have a million deadlines lmao anyway I hope one of these makes it to Komiket next weekend
sonamiri: Kirishima tries to join a band.Screw it, I’m posting it here as well!Bnha inktober 2018! Best (Good) Boy - Kirishima!Archive of every fandom comic done!Reblog if you can~
after all, you're my hero
teenytraveler: I realized I haven’t posted a thing for a whole week so I sacrificed my sleep hours to whip anything up hahha :’Dso here you go, have some Todo smoochin’ Momo to sweeten your upcoming weekend!! u3u
werewolfkendou: yeah
randomdrawings: For the OTP challenge for October Day 3 cooking/baking something TodoMomo 😆 for some reason I have the feeling that they don’t know nothing about cooking 😂😂
echobows: this series has me by the butt
bnhaconfessions: Momo got more screentime, development, character progression, relevancy and badass moments than the fake main heroine Uraraka. Why is she not the main heroine again?
twindoodle: Its @coachnerd’s and my birthday today!! So a quick Todomomo doodle!
ijessbest: It’s Inasa’s birthday and I wanted to do one of my dumb little comics Inasa Yoarashi September 26
doodleladle: “well one of us is going to need to change” alternatively, they start a band, called (3)rd degree burn
heriumu-draws: choose your teenage angsty prince
lyosphe: She’s a beauty, she’s super smart and a total badass. Momo is such an icon!!
forza-cam: Inktober Day 1: Hair—–Prompts I’m using here
fizzy-dog:It’s too fluffy to resist!
usa-chins: Moist hair + fire quirk + wind quirk = a fluffy disaster for anyone who cares about their hair moment.
yamadeus: Have some Kou Princess
just some drawings
zeildoa: Pixiv ID: 3232292
luupsiearts: cheering boyfriends
yamilluvia: I finally finished coloring it!! It took me longer than I am willing to admit but I am proud of how it turned out.I hope you guys like it! Todoroki and Yaoyorozu from the Fantasy Au Ending :)
wishlaced: chapter 200 was amazing
bunkitz: It’s October in an hour, which means it’s Inktober once again! This year, I’m gonna be doing TodoMomo all month long with my own prompts. Some friends asked about it and wanted to give it a go too, so I thought I’d share it elsewhere
doodleladle: a funky aesthetic,,
mirshroom: good company
aeroplaneblues: Cutest thing in all the Galaxy✨ Nejire has a gf and is Yuuyu :> idk yuuyu’s colors but since she dyes her hair frequently then ANY is ok! I want more of them!!
yama-tadashi: Fat Gum and his interns, Suneater and Red Riot!