Lost_Soul (keeder.tumblr.com)
submit your pics
redisunshine: What’s your story? •Are you gay? •Sad? •Fat? •Ugly? •Alone? •Young? •Old? •Depressed? •Afro? •Asian? Nevermind… we’re all human, and born to die.
paletreat: ☯Pale Blog☯
Nobody cares.
Drowning in Darkness
dontlooktoclose-itsdarkinside: All of these sadly
Essence Of Living
Most days
sicklysatisfied: ☮ Stay Satisfied ☮
I hate thanksgiving
Bunnies! ☺️ I miss my muffins 😢
extramadness: Find more inspiration here @Extramadness
zodiacmind: Fun facts about your sign here
i'm so fancy
child-of-the-internet: <3
♡ dazed lil princess ♡
Someone should come give me a bath.
Noah Gregory
Some ill never hear
Winter…. the time of year my parents cook everything i hate
alltheprettyones: 3 ways to win a ladies heart 1. Make her food 2. Make her cum 3. Let her nap #3 is important.
*sigh* I wish I knew what I wanted…..
Lights On, Door Open, Nobody Home
dontbeabrat: inhaleamour: Lmaooooo When women do this we’re “crazy” and “irrational”
mistressazariel: curious-andcuriouser: This photo should be on everyone’s blog at least once. I wish they would recreate this picture with how they are now
Have you ever met someone who understands you so well and would accept you flaws and fucked up mind and all. But you are both too fucked up and broken to be with eachother…..
bonesandblades1: It’s really fucked that we can just say we puked or we have a sore throat and stay home from school but we can’t say I’m too sad to go to school or I want to jump off a bridge and school isn’t the best place for me right now.
Need Netflix…..
zodiaccity: Repost - Zodiac Pisces Facts.
d-o-r-ia-n: mustyprince: mad-man-with-a-scarf: shavingryansprivates: this is my favorite video of all time bar none I cannot stop laughing. how have I gone this long without seeing this video good gOD will always reblog lmao
Now I'm sad 😢 doesn't matter tho
You don't have to justify your body.
imakemermaidsnut: Don’t ever think that your brown skin is anything less than perfect, amazing, wonderful, benevolent, a blessing, marvelous, outstanding, heavenly, and majestic. Seriously.
kushandwizdom: More picture quotes here
i hate my feelings…. i lonely but i don’t want to be around people. I have crazy mood swings out of no where. i’m super emotional and snap at people for no reason at all. idk why i’m so crazy…….
kitten-bits: kitten-bits 15k follower giveaway! ♡♡♡ hey guys! so I’ve finally hit 15k so I wanted to do my very first giveaway! c: prizes: 1st place will win: ♡ a pair of luna/sailor moon stockings! ♡ buy me food shirt! ♡ pink fairy vibrator!
catp0rn: this is it. this is the most important gif on tumblr.com
sorchaception: fiftyshadesof-ofmiceandmen: ask-rainy-water-princess: genocidershodan: lemonteaflower: anxiety. Or, you know, you could just stop saying sorry. I take it you don’t have anxiety. You can’t “just stop saying sorry”. You do
abcleverun: askdoodlemod: I will always reblog the Shay. PSA: every other money face is fake. Only reblog the true money face.
darning-socks: My morning routine.
Dirty Princess
mylittleandme: owltype: winchesterdelight: ariofthesea: meggchan: Mine is mostly cognitive. Cognitive. Mostly cognitive and behavioral. Bits of all three. Almost everything on that chart..
- ̗̀ tired gal ̖́-