みうま (kaneki-is-life.tumblr.com)
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parkchny: sexy Chanyeol acting♡
oh-my-lulu: 3/??? Exo Random Graphics
versavage: As per request from Arielle, an OnHo collage.
fy-exo: giue | do not edit.
cheolyans: when Chanyeol was told to act sexy
maxsweston: This show.
fy-exo: lamching | do not edit.
ohbaekhyuns: pabo twins >‿<
fyeah-chanyeo1: one chance
fydokyungsoo: kctiffany ▪ do not edit.
fy-exo: jerena | do not edit.
parkchny: Chanyeol’s reaction when S.Korea scored a goal
fy-exo: lovelovedo | do not edit.
jiyeolie: Sehun emojis LOL
fy-exo: naotao | do not edit.
chanyeolife: just chanyeol things ✦ yeol’s interactions with kolon camera feat. hands
dailyexo: Chanyeol - 140628 EXO from Exoplanet #1 - The Lost Planet in Chongqing Credit: Three Musketeers.
fyeah-chanyeo1: ying
dailyexo: D.O - 140628 EXO from Exoplanet #1 - The Lost Planet in Chongqing Credit: Three Musketeers.
blondejongin: letting out his beast
cumbaek: idk who's the maknae.
sehlestial: ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ / ʟᴜʜᴀɴ ᴇᴅɪᴛs ғᴏʀ sʜᴏʜʀᴇʜ ɞ
theloveinlifex-deactivated20170: Think. What exactly does EXO mean to you? Does it mean we hate when Kris leaves, or we sign a petition when Baekhyun finds love? Do we show them our presence through cyberbullying and hate messages, or do we smile and
exoderpysquad: lol
jinqki: jjong with his hair up for shinkeey
mintokkies: get to know me meme: favorite otps ↳ 2min [1/?]
on-ho: Things that should be illegal because of Kim Jonghyun 1. Lip-biting
kyungsol: kaisoo during 3.6.5
gongyoop-deactivated20170703: looking sexy even while yawning
chan-soo: “Since I was a child I’ve listened to R&B music so I really like it. Later on if we hold our own concert, I want my solo stage to only have a stand mic and my voice so that the audience can listen to the music properly.” - D.O. (Sep
lindanemesis: Well …
snotsoo: instead of updating soo’s petals, i made chansoo fanartgiraffe chanyeol and clingy koala kyungsoo :3
zropnt: testing the waters…well fire
coppee-bear: Our galaxy prince, aswell as the exo members, Stay Strong ! Do not edit
King!Kyungsoo run animation!I haven’t animated in a while —
exo-wufan: [FANART] cr.啥也不会的废柴小姐 - KRIS ♥
kaisoobaek121406: kaisoo stadium card.. do not edit or reupload.
duckhymne: Hoping the best for Kris and EXO, We are ONE We believe in you Kris
planet-0114: KAI IS BACK.more crazy…;_; with sound-> http://instagram.com/p/nvqwqAByzp/
36point5: bunny kyungsoo