Blog: All I see scares me.

tags: omg, sohot, itssohot, sendhelp, babegetoff, drunkasaskunk, immelting, passedout, drunkie, personal, drunk, dyin, drunkiemcdrunkerson, ohmygod, firstworldproblems, outcold, exceptimhot
When your drunk 6ft2 boyfriend passes out on you in the middle of Summer in Australia… 😅🌡 #immelting #sohot #itssohot #ohmygod #omg #sendhelp #dyin #babegetoff #drunk #drunkie #drunkiemcdrunkerson #drunkasaskunk #passedout #outcold #exceptimhot
tags: omg, sohot, itssohot, sendhelp, babegetoff, drunkasaskunk, immelting, passedout, drunkie, personal, drunk, dyin, drunkiemcdrunkerson, ohmygod, firstworldproblems, outcold, exceptimhot