Iodic Design (
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iPhone 4S PSD Template
The Liquid Drop Sculptor
jribbble, a jQuery plugin for the Dribbble API
weandthecolor: Them Birds Funny illustration by Dan Eijah Fajardo (aka Dandingeroz) in collaboration with Pedro Kramer (aka Badbasilisk). Angry birds meet Alfred Hitchcock… More illustrations inspiration. posted byW.A.T.C. // Facebook // Twitter // Googl
Help with CSS3 transforms messing up the z-index So, turns out applying CSS3 transforms on an element messes up the z-index assigned to elements. I am building this post-it-styled small navigation element for a client and the gray element you see in the
“We sent you an email, like, four days ago telling you that it doesn’t work!”
“Animal Eyes” photographic series by Suren Manvelyan
The UI Guide | Part 2: Backgrounds, Forms, and Texture
Clients From Hell: Neurotic restaurant owner/possible mob prince.
Q: "What browser are you on?" A: "Google."
9-bits: Free UI Kits (via decodering)
jQuery Mobile 1.0 RC1 Released!
Silencio Club, Paris, a club, conceived and designed by David Lynch
How to remove the "People To Subscribe To" Facebook Sidebar block
Museum Busts Through Statue’s Face
Martin Wittfooth — ‘The Passions’
Folyo: "How much does a website cost?" and other pricing questions
Depression-Era Circus Tea Party
More on client logo design pricing and deposits
The Ultimate Hitch Cookbook The recipes for Alfred Hitchcock’s classics
Honest-to-god conversation with a new client
Dribbble: WestMill Capital “Continue Reading” button, hover state
Dribbbling away: WestMill Capital news listing
My first Dribbble shot: WestMill Capital main navigation
Windows Developer Preview: The Third IE10 Platform Preview
RESS: Responsive Web Design Server Side Components There’s no shortage of debate about the best way to develop Web sites that work well across many networked devices. Some teams favor a client-side approach while others lean towards server-side
Illustrations by Alexander Wells
decodering: Adaptive Images Deliver small images to small devices. Automatically adapts your existing HTML images for mobile devices. No mark-up changes needed. Just drop it in and forget about it. Why? Because your site is being increasingly viewed
Opera Dragonfly 1.1 just launched
The UI Guide | Part 1: Buttons I should begin by explaining why I’m doing this guide in the first place. I believe that every designer has a right to know what many of us have learned via trial-and-error and word-of-mouth teachings. I’m quite aware
Say Something Nice Improv Everywhere makes you smile (again)
Bruno Dayan Photography
Travel Inspiration: A Selection of Europe’s Classiest Rooftop Bars
Capturing NYC’s Day and Night in One Frame
How Browsers Work: Behind the Scenes of Modern Web Browsers
Skin your Google Chrome Inspector
Adobe Muse: a step in the wrong direction
Door Handle Acts as an Emergency Flashlight
tobedoit: Sosia by Emanuele Magini for Campeggi
Chambers Eat and Drink, San Francisco
Long exposure shots from the New Transit Yurikamome, an automated guideway train that connects Odaiba to the mainland, passing through the Rainbow Bridge.
Battery Charger by Donn Koh
New Illustrations by Jason Levesque
New in Gmail Labs: Preview Pane
How to set up a baseline grid
Adobe Edge Preview
Create Personal Domain URL For Google Plus
Tropical Island Yacht
Avoiding common HTML5 mistakes
Chet Zar & Craig LaRotonda @ Last Rites Opening Night Photos
css3watch: Pure CSS Share Buttons by @joshuanhibbert
Make a Retro Space Themed Poster in Photoshop Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin, Soviet pilot and cosmonaut, was the first human being to journey into outer space, when his Vostok spacecraft completed an orbit of the Earth on April 12, 1961. In this step-by-step
How to Provide Different Color Schemes for Your WordPress Theme We’ve covered how to add a new color scheme to Twenty Eleven by child theming it in a previous post, and today I’ll show you how to create color schemes for your own theme, and have
Jazz Up the Worbs