Blog: ImmyLG

tags: ilookbetterasart, sketch, art, artpop, gift, artist, whatdoyouthink, nerdcouple, nerdboyfriend, iloveyou, perfectboyfriend, amazing, soluckytohaveyou, nerdgirlfriend, kiss, nerdlove, commissionart, loveyou, boyfriend
Check out this custom sketch Dean got of me! Wow! I’m so lucky to have him 💕 This is my favorite gift he’s ever given me. Does it look like me? Haha it’s so pretty! #perfectboyfriend #art #commissionart #gift #boyfriend #loveyou
tags: ilookbetterasart, sketch, art, artpop, gift, artist, whatdoyouthink, nerdcouple, nerdboyfriend, iloveyou, perfectboyfriend, amazing, soluckytohaveyou, nerdgirlfriend, kiss, nerdlove, commissionart, loveyou, boyfriend