Blog: ImmyLG

tags: 90sfashion, choker, coolkids, messyhair, makeup, fashionfriday, dayinthesun, hithere, myfavourite, rocknroll, dangerfield, pendant, sunnydayssweepingthecloudsaway, necklace, minimalmakeup, longdress, hipster, loveyou
Very happy with today’s outfit. After weeks of trackies & not caring about my appearance it’s nice to dress like myself again. Exam time really takes it out of ya haha Hope you lovelies are having a beautiful day in the sun xx 💕☀️
tags: 90sfashion, choker, coolkids, messyhair, makeup, fashionfriday, dayinthesun, hithere, myfavourite, rocknroll, dangerfield, pendant, sunnydayssweepingthecloudsaway, necklace, minimalmakeup, longdress, hipster, loveyou