submit your pics
urbankick: hell yeah
greatkingofevilganondorf: (via The Skull Kid by ~JohnnyCago on deviantART)
58762.) Dancing in the rain with you was the favorite thing I ever did.
fuckyeahkourtneykardashian: Kourtney’s shoes
A beautiful day.
kickschicksandtattoos: ohh Baby
iNSiDE bEAUty ♑
mochacafe: via otakulei
wtf hes real!!!!
Pin-Up Peep Show
58120.) I didn't realize how much I needed you, but now that you're gone, I feel completely lost. I need you.
Mine!!! :) lol
I miss you most when I'm sad. I miss you when I'm lonely. But most of all, I miss you when I'm happy.
Don't ever give your girl a reason to believe that there's another man out there that could treat her better.
kissmme: why is my house on tumblr?
Jonny Whitby
foodaddictofficial: More yummy photos here!
fuckyeahspiritedaway: I tend to have character floods, don’t I? Lol
faithloveelaine: Amen. Speak, Toni!
The Cool'
Followed by many.. Messaged by none.
La vita è bella
faithloveelaine: marjoree: This might be terribly impractical, I dunno, I’m not really a fish person. But it sure looks cool. Labyrinth Aquarium *searching on Google to buy one immediately.*
xxcoolstorybroxx: I always tried doing this and epic failed.
i need one of these!!
I'm Not Sad Anymore I'm Just Tired of This Place
agoodthinghappened: Spiritual by maksid on Flickr. Simplicity of Life - I am thankful for a crust of bread to eat, a garment to wear, and a place to lie my head down at night. That is true wealth of spirit.
gaksdesigns: Playhouse series by Dietrich Wegner. “In Playhouse, I combine an atomic bomb’s mushroom cloud, with one of the safest places one can go, their childhood playhouse,” Poly-Fil, Steel, Rope, Wood
restlessandcr8ive: troy davis story even reached the black culture in france #diaspora