Hot Celebrity Dongs (
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Two weeks in a row of Kilmer’s lil hog!
That’s a cute lil dong, Val Kilmer! You got your own lil willow in your pants!
Well shit, I for sure didn’t know that ham from the sandlot had two fuckin hams poking out of his knees! Great dongs, Patrick Renna! Make sure you don’t eat em off like when you were an xfiles monster, ok? It’d be a damn dong shame.
Well how bout that? Wilfred Brimley has a hot dong growing out of his fuckin’ back. Great dong, Wilfred!
Check out that fatty on wheeler Walker jr.! Great dong, wheeler! I hope it doesn’t get cancelled!
I’m not actually sure if Melissa McCarthy has a hot dong for a hand or if she’s holding a stolen hot dong, but either way, great dong Melissa McCarthy!
I bet those dongs would lovvvvve some orange soda! Great dongs, Kennan and Kel!
Oh course his dick was Satan. Nice dong, Lemmy!
Great dong Harvey Fierstein! I love you on project dressmaking!
Holy fuck, Roger!
Maury! You are the father! Of a lovely dong!
No wonder he’s able to steal all those ladies! I bet that dong knows some sein-language! Great dong, Jerry!
Oh shit, looks like The Master snuck out of Paul Thomas Anderson’s pants! Great dong, Paul!
Hey Paul, that’s a cute lil pecker ya got there! Dare I say, it appears to be going Sideways!
What a trio of delicious dongs! I bet y'all were sticking them dicks all sorts of places in that cabin in the woods! Way to go, Bradley whitford, Richard Jenkins and that super hot lady!
oh man, look at that cool guy! Great dong, Michael Cera!
Well, if you don’t want people taking your picture, maybe you shouldn’t have that hot dong out, Vincent D'onofrio!
Looking good, Luis Guzman! Great fighting stance, and GREAT DONG!
You know, it’s actually pretty amazing how many times Larry David appeared in Seinfeld as a man or voice. But anyways, LOOK AT THAT FUCKIN’ DONG, BRO!
Oh man, look at ol’ 3 dongs! Nice dongs, Martin Scorcese!
Looks like you finally got that little guy, Leo! Great job and great dong!
Oh man, I didn’t know Jonathan Davis from Korn and Sarah Michelle Gellar from Duffy were dating! Great dong, Jonathan!
R.I.P. Fab!
Great lil peener Cam Newton!
Bro, I had no idea you were packing TWO hot dongs! Adam Sandler, quit showing off those sweet hogs! There are children present!
Oh, FUCK! Looks like Josh Brolin’s hot dong fell off and he’s not happy about it. This is truly no country for old men!
Congratulations on your hundreth birthday, David Spade! I hope your still spreading cheer with that hot dong!
Oh man, Rick looks pissed! At least we know he’s not upset about having a small penis! Great dong, Rick!
I totally didn’t realize Steve Buscemi had his dong out on SNL. Did anyone else notice this? It seems like it would have made the news. Anyways, nice-ish dong, Steve Buscemi. I WONDER IF HE GOT THAT OUTFIT CLEANED AT HIS BEAUTIFUL LAUNDERETTE.
Congratulations to Bob Newhart, who just turned 129 today! Happy birthday, Bob! Be sure to give that hot dong some cake!
Holy shit, I bet those satanic verses had something to do with that hot dong. Keep up the good work, Salman Rushdie!
That hot dong is just another reason that Kirby Puckett’s passing was so heartbreaking. R.I.P. Kirby! May your hog be wriggling free in heaven.
Time out, guys! Those are some great dongs! I bet Zach Morris could stick his dong in A.C. Slater’s peehole and when things get awkward, they could just dip out and go to class. After the bell rings. You know, like they’re saved by the bell.
I don’t see any American graffiti on that dong! Great dong, Ron Howard!
Oh shit! It’s that bear from “The Revenant”! Nice dong, bear!
I don’t know why he was so mad, that’s a pretty solid dong. Nice dong, Rasputin! Try not to get any poison on it!
We all know that Ducky like to fucky? Great dong, Jon Cryer! You didn’t (ever) get the girl, but you did get a great dong.
Whoa, check out the hot dong on Jeff Garlin! Remember when he attacked that person’s car a couple years ago and got in a lot of trouble? I have a hot tip that the reason he did it is that the driver accused him of not having a hot dong. I guess he proved
Hey, Ernest Borgnine, great dong! I hope they cut that thing off before they put you in the ground!
Hey Mr. Belvedere, that’s a great dong! (however, you really shouldn’t have that hog out around children)
Hey Fonzerelli, you’re a no good hood! With a great dong! Great dong, Fonzi!
That’s a real Tucci Stanley is packin’ there! Great dong, Stanley Tucci!
Honestly, I think an argument could be made that DJ Jazzy Jeff’s dong is the ACTUAL fresh prince of Bel Air. Either way, great dong, DJ Jazzy Jeff!
Wow, who knew the author of “The Electric Kool-aid Acid Test” had such a great dong! Good lookin’ out, Tom Wolfe! I bet that dick knows Charlotte Simmons!
R.I.P. Christopher Reeves, you had an awesome dong.
Well, well, well, check out that hot dong on Ross Gellar himself! Great dong, David Schwimmer! I bet that’s what led to Matthew Perry’s pill addiction! Dong envy!
Good thing his pants aren’t sheer, or his coworkers would never get anything done! Nice dong, Paul Scheer!
Holy shit, I bet Neil Degrasse Tyson’s hot dong knows a thing or two about black holes! Great dong, Neil!
Looks like we’ve finally answered the age old question of “Who’s the Boss?”. It’s Tony Danza’s dong. Nice dong, Tony!
Well, well, well, looks like not all of the Staypuft marshmallow man is soft. Nice dong, Staypuft!
Looks like Freddy Krueger’s dong was too hot for the fire that forever disfigured every other part of his body. Nice dong, Freddy!
Check out that hot dong on Michael Myers! Careful, though, you don’t want to trip while you’re running away ;)
Hey Quentin Tarantino, great dong!
Is there maybe a little skin showing here? I think I almost can make out a dong! Yowee Zowee, Idris Elba!
We don’t know if he was real, but scholars believe this is what Jesus and his hot dong would look like. What do you think? Has your faith informed your image of Christ’s dong?
He’s dead now, but Richard Pryor had a dong.
Oh man I’m glad Scott Walker doesn’t wear turtlenecks, because that is a top notch dong!
Look at the hot dong on the pope! Wow!
oh man i didn’t know it was that big! John Hamm has a ham in his pants!