Her Verdant Ass (herverdantass.tumblr.com)
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… up into one ball.
Now, like amorous birds of prey.
Now let us sport us while we may.
And yonder all before us lie, Deserts of vast eternity.
And while thy willing soul transpires.
La Ronde.
Jesus seemed to steal my soul.
He does make our fire.
This sea-storm.
This Eve of an enchanted paradise.
Office of Constables.
Sylva Sylvarum.
Andraste invoked.
The Babington Plot.
Dee’s Speculum.
Seal of God.
Fleet muse.
Midnight in the Garden of Pomerania and Mecklenburg.
Felt Weimar.
Heine’s dessicant.
Midnight in the Garden of Galicia and Lodomeria.
The Tinted Venus.
The New School Rome.
Studio, Shibden Hall.
De Orléans.
Factory Girl.
Sitting drunk on a wagon to Mexico.
De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae.
Mid-West Crockett.
Black Bunny With a Sucker.
Pop Michaelmas.
Buccaneer IV.
On the Way To Language.
Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics.
The Principle of Reason.
Dismantling the History of Philosophy.
History of Forgetting of Being.
Being and Time.
On Revolution.
The Human Condition.
Question of Being.
Heidegger’s Altar.
Mook en Malak.
Shaker Seceder.
Weapon of Choice.
The Last Days of Yugoslavia.
Victorian Parlour Music.
Jean Templer.
Heine’s Ghost.
Force de frappe.
Pillars of Kubla.
Mrs. Clark.
Fata morgana.