いや…あぁぁっ!クソ変態野郎‼ (hentaiyarou.tumblr.com)
submit your pics
tingos: I happened by the Code Geass kinkmeme for the first time in ages and I did a quick fill, because apparently that’s still a thing I do. and yet everyone still knew it was me goddamn it’s been like multiple years since I last did a fill…..
tingos: I had a rough week, so.
ochinochin: 寒星漪
blinkingkills: i finally finished a porn bondage is the only thing i can do ok
sadames: Dancy Will & Norton Will . I want to do this for a long time.
wilm-graams: inappropriate porn things
bruisedbeatenboys: Pixiv ID: 35989955Member: 運命
I tried watching hentai recently and wow the girls’ voices are just horrendous.
Read Here
I seriously forget that a lot of my followers on here are younger than I am and I’m just oh boy oh gee yes this is what happens when you grow up a little you get hopelessly stuck in the gutter and start recording your own moaning voice for your
imaginensfw: Imagine your favorite male character is drunk and madly in love with you, because of this he pulls you close enough to begin spooning, and you begin to turn crimson when he whispers thoughts of lustful ecstasy into your ear. He also does
mylamx: Mhh, I reconsider Kiyoshi x Hanamiya. Source: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=41652894
st4rjump5: Yorokobi wa Hiza no Ue (Yaoi) manga by KATOU Setsuko
hiatus bc school
YEARNforYAOI Doujinshi List Part 1
sdkay: AoKaga
kingkaneda: AKIRA Star Wars AU - Cockpit Sex Sith Lord Tetsuo is Kaneda’s bitch.
kingkaneda: AKIRA Star Wars AU - More Cockpit Sex “You are so deeaad~!”
kingkaneda: AKIRA YAKUZA AU - Is That A Fucking Challenge? Oops. Smug bastard muse is fucking with me.
kingkaneda: AKIRA YAKUZA AU - Bad Kitty, Bad Dog
Message me 1 thing you want to know about me.
Tumbling. Tumbling into the Void.
Hello there, you should send me asks. About anything. Let’s go.
my-yaoi-blog-2: 差し上げた主足 by C-エイチ
dawnofdoujinshi: Art By - starstar4
lightonlight: Quick & Dirty voyeurism sketchings
nakedspacelesbians replied to your audio post “Hush, hush, I’m the one who’s in control.” *dies of a heart attack/ is revived by the power of porn/ takes a minute to think about her life choices/ lays down/ doesn’t get back up* You have
I wanna see what your insides look like
sendificator: 松尾酢好き
animerulz: Everyday GH(*¯v¯*) Pixiv ID: 28505402Member: 壳
【腐向け】深夜のらくがき【18禁】 by tkr
Hell yeah, finally changed this blog’s theme. It took a while to find one that allows large pictures and decent customization. And I decided to change my icon too. Eeeeee.
nakedspacelesbians replied to your photo “One Fourth by Mentaiko” MY KINK, YOU FOUND IT I almost tagged you on that one hehehe. <3
着衣 Pixiv ID: 24973805Member: セツコ
broke the line Pixiv ID: 19575538Member: 涩江
兎虎ラクガキ4【R18】 Pixiv ID: 24580697Member: KURO/ヒロショN50a
【腐】いわんわんお!【空折】 Pixiv ID: 28425952Member: ゆうき
【T&B腐】コンビニ Pixiv ID: 26609236Member: W3
過去の産物Pixiv ID: 20378890Member: k
tigerxbunny: Herbenflerginder…. TigerxBunny | KotetsuxBarnaby