submit your pics
yummytomatoes: It will rot your think pan.I couldn’t pick which colors I liked more so have all three probswannafullveiwthesesuckers
yummytomatoes: [9:10:30 PM] ╰(⊡ܣ⊡ )ノ: Ru-Fi-Oh ![9:10:45 PM] Mighty Mouse: ITS TIME TOB-B-B—B-B-B-B-B-B-BOOST YOUR SELF ESTEEM
spookymangos: everking: L8KE MY STATUS!!!!!!!! oh
I wanted to try drawing a few trolls looking like actual kids rather than the, like, 25 year olds I usually draw lol, but I think I went overboard they look like 9
siins: this assface
mineraltown: when there is something you really want to draw that looks perfect in your head but is too complex for your artistic level
rosebouquet: I seriously thought of this in a matter of seconds.
yummytomatoes: wecanspooky: how do you even sleep in a dream bubble tho
happyamporafamily: i should be taking Gamzee seriously instead im ?????????
maladroitapathy: i hope terezi was able to see rufio, too.
giving the dreamer test to someone else made me realize I matched up my results wrong and am actually a Derse dreameroh well Im here illegally dont tell anyone
zebeckula: yellow brown and red!! HEMOSWAP troll caliborn and calliope!!!!! i have no idea but just go with it ok it’s just for fun haaha its kinda shitty i know but aaaaah bye im too lazy to do anything else hhhhhhhhhh!!!!
yummytomatoes: it’s funny because me and andy have both got this message before but we never really understand why. I MEAN, IDK IF YOU MEAN WE ACT THE SAME or draw the same.we draw diff… idk MAYBE IM TO CLOSE TO ANDY I DONT SEE ANY MASSIVE SIMILARITIES
pigeon666: 파★워 키스메씨쓰!!
I cant go to sleep now I have shit to dooooo
yummytomatoes: doodles from my and razzda’s mmmob??stuck i did a few days ago and forgot aboutrezi got her eyesight in his rp thingfor now
I got an ask a long time ago asking to post any old art that I had? Well these arent like reallyyy old, but they’re from late 2007, and something Im not totally embarrassed to post lol……
bflatscale: Prospit? DERSE?! YOU DO CARE
nothin to do, so I took the derse/prospit dreamer test for the hell of itand Im a prospit dreamer !
ink-monster: I walked into the bathroom and Ash is pasted all over the fucking walls and he’s handing out condoms and I wish he would stop ASH STOP YOU ARE 10 STOP
msphamletmachine: samwhingechester: hhhh so cute, makes me think of Battle!
I think Ive received more requests for Cronus than any other character ever in such a short amount of time
dirkdays: HELLO I JUST FINISHED CATCHING UP ON THE LAST 8 MONTHS OF HOMESTUCK / A COMPLETE REREAD AND WHEW OK DIRK WHOAH DIRK /dirk/ I now have a clear homestuck favorite character how did this happen??
going through my files and realizing Ive doodled Damara more times than any of the other alpha trolls combineddont look at me
someonegogethelp: i relate to karkat because i too could never hate anyone more than i hate myself u w u
murtunacaptor: And another set of me as Mituna! I’m actually really pleased with how these came out! Thanks so much to Marissa for the photos, and everybody who helped me pose, since I was almost completely blind in the cosplay! Cosplayer / Photographer
saibou: COME CLOSER and DON’T TURN AWAY. Kurloz Makara, Homestuck (I’m so slow, forgive me) Sutures. Are. REAL Cosplay by Saibou Photo by Abel Homestuck by Andrew Hussie
pigeon666: Aradiasprite doodle.
ipgdforbabies: why did i spend all day making a snoop dogg talksprite
rumminov: Anonymous asked: im actually really confused about this sburb lookin thing going around? Help??? Here are some helpful posts:Harleybert’s “What is SBARG?” FAQA Blog Dedicated to SBARG Questions!!Sheepskin’s Post Explaining the ARG
I see this ‘sbarg’ thing all over my dash, and Im trying to figure out what it IS and I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND ???
buffpapajohnspizza: ye but what if kankri’s a total opera singer
okay Im just……….. really eager for the next flash game………
Yes and yes
triptrippy: la da da da da im gonna bury you in the ground
any excuse to draw chibis
2tonocean: poptarts-and-shit: eridans-magical-butt: tunetechgoghead: i-tyr-vi-litar-pa: baby-blion: Omg can you imagine a Homestuck theme park? You come in and immediately get killed nepetas spining teacups vriskas ship equius’s strength
I decided to redraw/paint this panel for background practice
ibiscolors: ドキドキ
niaiserie replied to your post: An anon wanted to know why I dont draw more women Gosh I wish I could figure out how to draw guys. I can only draw girls :’( how do you draw guys? D: I used to be the same way until the past 2-3 years or so? when I started
AND HERE’S WHYKurloz: 10-15 minutes to roughly scribble downmeulin: over an hour, and like 45 minutes of that was just painstakingly adjusting her BOOB.AND SHE STILL HAS NO ARMS