Gainers Galore (
submit your pics
12-hangry-men: sim mo
gainerburr:Smol shirt~
twinkgains:sneak peak of a vid i made where i try on old clothes and talk about it. if you want a link to the full playlist of my private vids hit me up with any size donation
ballbellyboy: video - Tight clothes and belly rubs
ballbellyboy: video - Shake bloat 5
0-nyk-0: Who is this?
oac47: 2020-Year In Review - December
greggystuff: Christmas 2020….just to prove I am still alive. Sorry I haven’t been posting many photos, but I was getting bored with doing the same old poses. I was going to do more, but then Tumblr crashed, so I went to bed lol. I might try again
somethinboutabelly-deactivated2:I’ve been eating pretty good as you can probably tell.
bigwolfcakebelly:When you accidentally gain 55lbs during quarantine. 😅 except 20 of those pounds came this month. 😏
mpregboy28:You’re out and you see a pregnant looking guy. Do you stop and say hi? Do you offer to carry things for him? Today most people just ignored, some stared. But one guy was browsing next to me and asked jokingly “when’s the baby due?”
mpreglondon:Looking pregnant as fuck
Stories Worth Their Weight
the-thiccer-the-better:found this guy on youtube!! looks like he’s packed on a couple pounds 👀 you can really see how it went all to his gut! the first photo and the last are only one year apart too! can’t wait to see if he gains more
huskyladude:From burning man to fat man.
rundnaund:Comparing over time
flyflyfatty-deactivated20220914:Different angle but this is a gain of 40-50lbs! Wow would you look at that!
sumxtra:Rub it, squeeze it, slap it, poke it, pinch it, kiss it
:that is one big belly
drewcent:Maybe all this eating is catching up to me 😏
:my nipples are so sensitive
watermelonnapkin:GOMAD hits different
mpregboy28:Super full after tonight’s huge dinner (eating for two)…It is called Sunday Funday for a reason 😉
losemybreath4444:Bulking season is the best
gainerburr:A fat bear in need of rubs, tons of food and cuddles!
jeezy-creezy-mcfeeny:mygrowingroommate:What a round belly!
mygrowingroommate:He overdid it last night #malegainer #mygrowingroommate #belly #maleweightgain #malefeeder #malefeedie
mygrowingroommate:Freshman year was good to him
rundnaund:How do like my haircut?…
bigbellyboiz:bellylover111: Obsessed with being a balloon 🎈🐷 Rising up huge and swollen like a balloon.
bellyist: Overeating again tonight. why am I so hungry all the time? What should I eat next?
:officially 300lbs of fat….fuck what happened?
beergutbear: feedistvin: New Patreon video: Fattening up for Santa Suit
puposo:garzaris:Simplemente hermoso con su panza peluda y su ombligo para jugar todo el día
bigbellyboiz:beefcake-cub:Operación vikingo al 50%Nice belly!
ficklefeedee-deactivated2021010:I recorded this gif with my phone propped up against the 1700 calorie shake I’m currently drinking, bringing my dinner to a healthy 4000 calories
obesebliss:I’m hungry 🥵🥺
hog-handler:fleetwoodbigmacs:My fattening over the course of 2020. 75 lbs gained 😈🐷2020 has been amazing for this hog! Started the year as a twink/first 30 look and this porker is pushing 300 pounds and he’s not even trying. Another twink
bigwolfcakebelly:🧐 Hmm. Almost at my highest weight and size ever. I wonder if I should keep going after I get there. 😏
foopyfoopz:normally don’t wear polo shirts but this one was too A E S T H E T I C not to buy
gravidad: More of my belly in the dark <3
Seahorse Men
gainerpup: Collapsed stuffed and drunk after a wedding last night.
drewcent:Before & after eating enough for a family of 4 🥵
:Trying to gain 20lbs in 5 weeks. Think I can do it?