Cute 'n Sexy (
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Tingtongten has an adorable minty ram puppy fursona, I just had to draw her. I hope I did her justice~If you like my stuff, please reblog it! <3 It helps me out a lot and helps others enjoy my work too. ^///^FuraffinityInkbunnyContact Me
I actually rendered this older drawing! Woo! Here is some FR smut of my Imperial dragon and her Carmine Setheris familiar.If you like my stuff, please reblog it! <3 It helps me out a lot and helps others enjoy my work too. ^///^FuraffinityDeviantartCon
aponty: beep OHHHHHHH MY GOD THIS LOOKS SO GOODI’m honestly freaking out holy omfg I don’t even know what to say I’m so happy and this is beautiful and I’m AAAHMy OC Giddy drawn by Aponty AAAH omfg <3 <3 <3 <3
naughtycephy: guinefurrie: Good job, you got paint everywhere.She really, really likes Miss Nurse Redheart… ah… haha.If you like my stuff, please reblog it! <3 It helps me out a lot and helps others enjoy my work too. ^///^FuraffinityDeviantartContac
Good job, you got paint everywhere.She really, really likes Miss Nurse Redheart… ah… haha.If you like my stuff, please reblog it! <3 It helps me out a lot and helps others enjoy my work too. ^///^FuraffinityDeviantartContact Me
my love at first sight, seriously. even with only 2 sec of screen time in only 2 episodes.SFW and NSFW and wallpaper versions as well, enjoy! THANKS FOR WATCHING ME STREAM THIS! <3 It was a blast! <3 <3 <3If you like my stuff, please reblog
The SFW version of the Misty x Starmie tribute remake drawing I did! :3The SFW version was inspired by this verr artistically censored version:Idk who made this edit, but it’s great, I applaud you and look I made this picture off your edit.If you like
KISS ME, I’M LYRISHI had the lines done for like a whole week but all I wanted to do was play games.spank me for being late, and while you’re at it crown me queen of the bad Puns.By the way, I’m part Irish sooo kisses pls. <3 Nah jk XD; I mean
these two. best. BEST. BESSSTTT.I’m so tired. Also, I won’t be awake when this post goes live but there is a NSFW version that will be posted automatically 1 min after this one. I’ll add the link when I wake up.NSFW versionSFW Wallpaper on Derpiboo.ruIf
For elpatrixf <3 Really liked his blue-space bunny, so I made him a blue-space Bangs.Oh no she graffitied all over your dash! and she got paint everywhere x.x XD
a new selfie because it’s been a while. hi!!!!
My OC:Giddyflirt master post.Tried to draw in the MLP;FIM style but might’ve failed sometimes.For more information on her you can keep reading.Giddyflirt is a unicorn pony. She is an erotic artist but her specialty is using magic and creating alchem
Do you like neopets r34? R34 ALL THE THINGS! 8DArt for a cute friend. This is his Gelert! :D-GuineIf you like my stuff, please reblog it! <3 It helps me out a lot and helps others enjoy my work too. ^///^FuraffinityDeviantartContact Me
tingtongten:On a cooler note,YOU TOTALLY CAN AND TOTALLY SHOULD that’d be hella sweet yo i’d love it if people drew them Aw yessssssssss!
Happy Hearts and Hooves Day! Happy Valentine’s Day!I think this is the best thing I ever made. EQG Chrysalis x Twilight! SFW but suggestive-ish? Hope you enjoy! <3Click here for the wallpaper version on (one sec, need to link–
I JUST MADE THIS SHIT AND I THINK IT’S AWESOME F YEAH EVERYONE MAKE ONE AND MAKE A BANDWAGON AND GET EVERYONE TO JUMP ON YAAAAAASSSSSSSS If you like my stuff, please reblog it! <3 It helps me out a lot and helps others enjoy my work too. ^///^Fur
Field Researcher J (my OC Pokemon trainer). Tried to emulate the latest Pokemon game art style while still kind of sticking to my own? Sprite version right here. -Guine If you like my stuff, please reblog it! <3 It helps me out a lot and helps others
I finally made my Pokemon trainer J a reference sheet. took me long enough. J is a Pokemon Field Researcher, she goes out exploring and researches Pokemon in the wild. She also sketches them as part of her fieldwork. She was born/raised in the Johto regio
NSFW yas. yummy candle wax.hand blush. SFW here. For da senpai. If you like my stuff, please reblog it! <3 It helps me out a lot and helps others enjoy my work too. ^///^FuraffinityDeviantartContact Me
SFW wat. Tickle, tickle. Tehehehehehe~~~~\ NSFW here. For a senpai. Reference sheet/colour chart here If you like my stuff, please reblog it! <3 It helps me out a lot and helps others enjoy my work too. ^///^FuraffinityDeviantartContact Me
Made a monster girl, a Bakeneko with a Futakuchi-onna twist.Mother was a Bakeneko, dad was a Cat Sìth. She likes Celtic music and avocados, and the hairface is always hungry with a voracious appetite. -Guine Reference sheet/colour chart here If you
My Bakeneko monster girl’s color chart. You have my permission to draw her.If you tell her hairface that her bow matches her eyes she’ll lick you. Just to clarify, they both identify as female. -Guine Full color here If you like my stuff,
I’m soooo sorry T_T I’ve been really busy. This weekend is Fanime Con 2014 YAY and I’m going! But I haven’t finished my cosplay yet, so that’s what I’ve been doing instead of art. I did post this sketch earlier, and
I finally named them!!! <3My OC is named Giddyflirt, which I think is fitting based on her personality and her cutie mark. She’s playful and funny, likes to flirt with others, and she gets dizzy a lot (especially after orgasming >///<
Here are two cutie marks that I’ve made.The left one is my OC pony’s cutie mark. It’s a heart paw print with a purple corset. To the right is my other OC pony’s cutie mark. It’s a purple butterfly with a #! pattern (similarly
Messy hairs x3
Happy 21st Birthday, Mishra, my furry friend! ^.^ Mishra belongs to this guy, this is a link to his FA page. Fairly SFW. I wanted to do something bright-coloured and cute. This has pretty simple shading, but it was still a bit difficult because I’m
First Of May
Just a quick 1.5 hr doodle. This is Celeste from Animal Crossing. The first time I saw Celeste, I was like… O//////////////////O And lol as Arin says in Game Grumps… Celeste is a sex object. Bwahaha. Animal Crossing is my next to-do for
Hieee ^///^ I’m so sorry my artwork has been going to slow, I’m really sick with something that will probably become a bronchial infection. T.T Mew. Anyway, I -finally- made a ref for my fursona, Guine. She’s a little, chubby mouse.
A commission for StalkingRights on Tumblr. ^.^ By the way this is Safe For Work! Hehehe. >///< This is Rose and Fang. :3 Rose belongs to Fang (or Lucky!) belongs to Yay!
guinefurrie: I like how this turned out. ^^ This is my OC pony, putting the magic in her horn to some fun recreational use on her bed. x3 Tehe. I was soooo sad that the post I drew didn’t show the cutiemark but I think it came out fine for the most
I like how this turned out. ^^ This is my OC pony, putting the magic in her horn to some fun recreational use on her bed. x3 Tehe. I was soooo sad that the post I drew didn’t show the cutiemark but I think it came out fine for the most part. This
Hi everyone! This is my new style of art. I’m sick of drawing NSFW Pokemon and furries! I want to draw things that are… epic. So I was like “Maybe I should draw NSFW meme animals” and voila I made a thing. I worked really, really
I think I might be a pokephile. It’s just a guess. a possibility. perhaps. maybe. I even gave it the fire background. because it’s so hot. -Guine
This is my OC pony in a NSFW drawing. ^/////^ I just finished this, my hand hurts. >.< Two versions: one has socks and the other is just nude. She’s being a little flirt. >w< Ah okie, I love to draw Pokemon and such but I wanted to try
So… I made an OC for My Little Pony. ^.^ Yay! She has the cutiemark I posted a while ago. Eep. She is a unicorn and has the same colour palette as my fursona. >w< Oh I hope you like her. Hehe~ Sorry for getting lax on the Pokemon erotic art!
I’m pretty sure that if I had a cutiemark, it would look like this or something. ^3^ It’s a corset heart pawprint omg it’s 3AM I think I should go to sleep. Sooo sleepy! I have a new drawing coming really soon, please bear with me until
Gourgeist is really cute. ^^ *giggle eep!* This is my Gourgeist with her trainer in Pokemon X. Enjoy! Yay :3 -Guine If you like my stuff, please reblog it! <3 It helps me out a lot and helps others enjoy my work too. ^///^FuraffinityDeviantartContact
NSFW! My Pandaren character with another female Pandaren. Mine’s the front one.I had a lot of fun drawing this. But it’s not done yet– I’ll make it look nice later :) Also, check it out– I finally made myself a watermark
Censored version! SFW! Neopets-Safe! PG! The ESRB rating between E and T! Yay! Her face is different. She’s not happy. She wanted to be a nudist. xD –> NSFW VERSION HERE <– If you like my stuff, please reblog it! <3 It helps
NSFW NSFW NSFW My Buzz in Neopets. But in the nude. And showing… things… but not all the things. NEXT I WILL SHOW ALL THE THINGS! Idk, actually. Well, enjoy. And remember kids: if this bothers you, exit the tab or press the back button!
I got back onto Neopets. Yeah, I know, right? Anyway, this is my ballin’ Cloud Buzz pet. Name’s Delaphi. She’s in the Beauty Contest. You should vote. If you like my stuff, please