The Grey Knight (
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Tomorrow makes 19 months of this shit and it’s literally never been worse, mathematically.Tonight Daddy is tired, just tired, like he was cranky or pressed or harassed today when everything went just fine. It’s because the news about Covid
Okay, but if you CAN see images in your mind, why can’t you see a word you’ve read before to spell it correctly every time?
There’s a lot of stuff on Patreon tonightAnd a lot more coming now that I’m back to it.Keep sending in those lovely words of support, they mean so much.
The attention I’m receiving from women these days is overwhelming in the most wonderful way. More and more and more and more.
I ate a massive burrito, I played cards, I wrote, I worked.What a wonderful day, what a full day.Hope you had something good happen to you as well.
The power of snacks and ice baths. I figure a few more days and the heel will be more or less in decent shape.
That means buy me more snacks since you keep sending me messages about itI’ll give you a Disco stream and a foot picture next week as a bribe.
Rolled out of bed without having to roll out of bed, I can feel itWhen the heat dies down tonight, a Grey Knight shall rise and resume his work.
Just very grateful for my muscles todayFeel like I’d be in so much worse condition if I hadn’t gotten back to the gym and started cooking more when I did.And you girls got me doing that, so I’m grateful for you all today.Can you tell
Cat has a panic attack every time I move in the chairSo I have to wake her up and put her on the floor to go places. She used to disappear for hours, now she just waits until I’m back in front of a screen and appears again magically. Sweet and smart
It’s anon, so let me know, and be honestAre you guys entirely tired of me talking about Covid? I mean just totally done with it because you’re so tired of it in general, or even specifically me? I’m asking because I’m not, at all.
It’s been a hot, lonely, miserable four daysBut even without pain medication, I feel just a world better and that’s about all the proof I need that nothing is messed up, just needs a little more time.Thank you all for being so damn supportive,
Looking pretty good on foot recovery Sleep is hard today since it’s the worst day of bruising, but seeing it all comes in, we’re looking in pretty good shape, just a rolled ankle, nothing serious on the toes. I’ll keep taking good care
Like a child all over again, “I don’t wanna get in the bath I don’t wanna get in the bath.”Followed by, “I don’t wanna get out the bath, it’s nice, I don’t wanna!”
Total mood booster, thank you Monster and girls. -kiss kiss- Timed it so that I had fresh green tea and new ice bath to put my foot into. I’ll be heading for a nap soon after this feast.