Untitled (gorloj.tumblr.com)
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был век как с полупрозрачной кожей
depthnoir:Richard Ansett, Man in Camouflage with Sofa, Ukraine
filmgifs: NOSTALGHIA (1983) dir. Andrei Tarkovsky
pasparal:Aerial photo of the steel company ThyssenKrupp in Duisburg Taken on January 9, 2009 Photographer: Frank Augstein
redjade:Budapest HungaryDistrict V, DunakorzóNovember 2020» https://www.facebook.com/DzsediFenykepesz/
scavengedluxury:Ljubljana, Slovenia. September 2014.
hervesevenophotographie: 0 2 0 4 2 0 1 9
אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה
Saddle of Spittle
thoughtsaboutruins:Fiat 127 by Foide on Flickr.
hiddenarchitecture:Floor Plan of Stonehenge as it is now, with influence lines - 1980, British Society of Dowsers
80sretroelectro: Computer symbols on a letraset sheet (1989) Scan
untrustyou:Piotr Pietrus
untrustyou:Terje Abusdal
met-armsarmor: Sword (Estoc) via Arms and ArmorMedium: Steel, wood, leatherRogers Fund, 1908 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY http://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/25627
untrustyou:Lycien-David Csery
vintagenorway:Sieidi; Sami sacrificial stone on the mountain range between Alta and Karasjok, northern Norway
thoughtsaboutruins:Remains of remains of… by Liofwine on Flickr.
blackpaint20: Left: Infrared reflectogram mosaic of Michelangelo, The Torment of Saint Anthony, c. 1487–88. Oil and tempera on panel
brunz: Catch me in the bottom of a well eating moss and forgetting language
bmashina:T-80BV in Chechen Republic.
auralrapeblackearth: Instagram | Music
Pizzza Time
met-robert-lehman: Burse, Robert Lehman CollectionMedium: silk; linen; metalRobert Lehman Collection, 1975 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY http://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/460579
auralrapeblackearth: TEENAGE LIGHTNING 2018 Instagram | Music
thoughtsaboutruins:untitled by Le Charbonneur on Flickr.
abandonedandurbex: Abandoned Train Station [670x503]
mauveflwrs:Lucian Freud - Pluto (1988)
mauveflwrs:Carel Fabritius - Het puttertje (The Goldfinch) (1654)
architectureofdoom:Bunker destroyed during the war between Finland and the USSR, Summa, Finland (now Soldatskoye, Russia)
speciesbarocus:Jędrzejów Abbey (1140).
zeusammon:American Cemetery HIngham, MA
thephotoregistry: From The Forest Answers Noora-Maija Tokee
thephotoregistry:Weronika Izdebska
thephotoregistry:Brendon Burton
brutgroup:Ventilation shaft for the Arlberg tunnel in Austria #brutgroup photo via #utilitarianarchitecture
graceandgirlhood:Allie Mount
No Title For You
windowwaterr: Harley weir
toneelectric:Throbbing Gristle’s Industrial Records studio, c. 1980
theleoisallinthemind:Lucia Zolea
architectureofdoom: Ventilation building, St Bernard Pass, Graubünden, 1967. Photo by Bryn Donkersloot
sprint95: kyiv
brutgroup: @utilitarianarchitecture The Kárahnjúkar Water Plant in Iceland #brutgroup photo via #utilitarianarchitecturehttps://www.instagram.com/p/Bph_diaFAT6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=impup0e62cet
architectureofdoom: Ventilation building, St Bernard Pass, Graubünden, 1967
architectureofdoom: Kraftwerkzentrale Zervreila, Jachen Ulrich Könz, 1958
zeusammon:Gohar Dashti, Untitled #5, 2008. Chromogenic print. Dashti is a contemporary female photographer from Iran, who appears to challenge in a subtle manner the theocratic censorship of the Shiite religious authority.
triste-le-roy: Cover to GRS Mead’s The Hymn of the Robe of Glory: Echoes From the Gnosis Vol. X (unknown artist/designer, 1908). (via Scribd)
artist-friedrich: Trees in the snow, Caspar David Friedrich https://www.wikiart.org/en/caspar-david-friedrich/wc-abri-enneig-abri-sous-la-neige-circa-1827-1827-alte-nationalgalerie-31-25-cm-12-2-9-8-in-oil
rubenista:René-Antoine Houasse, Apollo pursuing Daphne (detail), 1677