submit your pics
skawngur: MARVLE mag august 14 issue
fyeah-namjuhyuk: ©
Maybe I Love Yoo
parkhyeongseop: Park Hyeong Seop, Kim Pilsu & Byeon Woo Seok @ Seoul Fashion Week S/S 15 cr: candydeshot
beastrising: Mr. Joker | do not edit
beastrising: 나쵸 먹으러 스벅들고 뚜벅
beastrising: LA도착……….시차적응 실패 조짐이 보인당
beastrising: 굉장히 졸립다요ㅜㅜㅜ 한국은 굿모닝?
beastrising: Mizone | do not edit
: (© Colorful Words) | Do not edit
fy-b2st: @all4b2uty 결과 나왔습니다. 손동운 선수가 윤두준 선수에게 3대0 으로 지면서 굉장히 재미없는 경기가 펼쳐졌습니다. 집에 그냥 들어갈걸 그랬습니다. 이게 뭐라고…하아 trans: The results
fyexo: high lights | do not edit.
fydongwoon: @beastdw: Thank you for the good memories today too! The wating room at the fansign venue is a bride waiting room; not with a shinbu (bride) but unfortunately with Kwangbu (Kwang-bride).. ㅋㅋㅋ (Kwangbu also means miner) [x]
thank god for bread
marieahh-deactivated20200503: LOOKTIQUE Vol.31
squid-chip-deactivated20150202: 김태환. Kim Tae Hwan
skawngur: ceci october 2014 issue
emptyglasshouse: 주어진 (Via.facebook)
skawngur: ph by 차재문
koreanmodel: Joo Woojae by Lee Jaewoon for Looktique Aug 2014
fyexo: 141027 donghwan25: #동료 #좋은사람들 #형 #동생 우끼#colleagues #nicepeople #hyung #youngsters
koreanmalemodels: Byun Wooseok at Seoul Fashion Week S/S 2015, day 3 (cr: Shooting the Style & streetper)
skawngur: cy choi 2015 ss backstage by acenap
skawngur: mixop open party
skawngur: ph by jimin park
koreanmalemodels: Ha Dongjoo for Cole Haan X Pro Fashional MAN
koreanmodel: Ha Dong Joo by Ryan Yoon
koreanmodel: Ha Dong Joo shot by Shin Say Byuk for The Growing