Female Supremacy Captions (femalesupremacycaptions.tumblr.com)
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You fuck with me and I will pull your fucking nuts off. You understand me bitch?
MMMmmm you can leave now hubby. We’ll call you if we need you.
Oh I’m not mad, I kind of get a kick out of it. The girl who beat you up in your young teens can still beat you up as an adult. The fact that I work with her doesn’t help. She said she wants to teach me self defence and fighting
You’ve been in your chastity belt for one week my husband. You can get out for an ejaculation today, at my hand, or you can wait another week. All I want is for you to make her cum, using your hands AND mouth. Remember, it’s just
I am so angry at you. I was planning on letting you out of your chastity belt while we were here this weekend, but instead you’ll wear it AND the humbler. You will not leave this hotel room. And with your gag in, you’ll need to hide
I want you to go down on me while I watch porn.
Hey I do things all the time to satisfy your sexual needs, remember the school girl-teacher scene and what about spanking you that time? This is something I really want you to do for me, and you should respect that. You know I always fantasized about
rohosub: Male chastity goes mainstram in the show Californication. WOW very hot, and there’s a continuation too
Do you have any idea how pathetic you look? I am so hot thinking about everyone from the Feminist Club seeing you like this. It’s so empowering. They should be here any minute my husband.
That’s right my husband, be a good bitch and make you little dick spurt so I can lock you back up and go fuck Tom’s big cock.
Go ahead, show them who’s in charge of our marriage.
My cousin said you’ve been running your mouth. Let me fill you in on what’s about to happen. First I am going to beat you up. Then I am going to pants you. Then I am going to drag you around the neighborhood by your hair. And there’s
One more thing before he gets here. Any time he tells you to do something, he wants you to smile and say “yes, sir." But don’t forget to smile. Understand?
Your wife’s got a nice ass. Now get downstairs, she and I are going to have some fun. Isn’t that right baby?
Crawl over here bitch and shake me.
Put it on. You can watch me with Frank tonight but I don’t want you playing with yourself. Understood?
When we arrive you’re to go directly to the back and ask for Lucy. Lucy is one of Amy’s feminized sissies and she basically runs the kitchen and dining area. You’ll take your orders from her. Bring your pink apron and do not
HA got you now old man. You’re about to lose to a girl in front of your wife.
Your wife wants to see us to wrestle again. I think she got off on how easily I beat you last time, and she said you’ve been running your mouth a lot. Evidently you had a lot of excuses as to how I got you to the ground, why you couldn’t
The last time you called me a name I grabbed you by the balls and dragged you around the house until you were crying and begging me to stop like a little bitch. Unless you want a repeat performance you’re going to get on your knees right now,
THAT’S the girl that pinned you? She’s half your size! I pictured some big dyke. HA! Oh this is too good, my big tough husband losing to a little 19 year old girl! Come on, I’m going to see if she’ll give you a rematch.
oh my god look honey, there’s that girl who kicked your ass. I still can’t believe you couldn’t get her off you and let her slap you silly like that. How did that feel, getting beat up in front of your wife? by a girl! It actually
Listen hubby, you do what I say. I call the shots, and you fall in line. You’ve been getting a little flabby and so I am putting you on an excercise regiment starting today. Get naked and get in the basement. We’ll start by chaining
yourwifeishisslave: The reward for your obedience.
Honey, this is Tim’s daughter Cathy. She’s the one I told you about that’s going out for her college’s all-male wrestling team. She needs some practice opponents and I volunteered you. Just to make it interesting, I told
Here’s what it comes down to husband. Either you get on your knees right now and apologize, or I am going to drag you outside by your hair and beat you up in front of your entire family. And we both know I’ll do it.
Here’s the deal my husband. Jack has generously agreed to let you out of your chastity belt, but there’s some conditions. First, we’re going to secure your hands behind your back, then we’re going to tie your cock to Tina's here.
Wanna wrestle? We all heard what Kari did to you. I think I can take you too. Or are you scared of losing to your girlfriend’s baby sister? Come on, it’ll be fun.
So how does your ego feel now my husband? It was bad enough when I was promoted over you last year to be your boss, but now I’ve moved up another rung and I’ve promoted Cindy to be your new boss. You’re now 2 levels below me. And
Look honey, there’s that woman who bitch-slapped you in the parking lot. You said you would teach her a lesson if you ran into her again. Well here’s your opportunity to set things right. Ha-ha why do I sense your little balls crawling
What were you THINKING? I dont care how young she is, how could you not know she would pin you? You’re not very strong and you can see she is. How do we live this down? Did you know her mom keeps telling everyone she went easy on you, and
I’m sorry baby, I shouldn’t have beaten you up like that in front of your friends. It’s just that you make me so angry I can’t help myself. But pinning you down like that and slapping you senseless was inexcusable. I didn’
You’ve bitten off more than you can chew this time my husband. I told you, my friend Karen knows what she’s doing. She is going to beat the crap out of you now. It may not be too late to pussy out, but you better be sincere in your
I’m wearing this out tonight. Deal with it.
This is my good friend Lydia, and this is her husband Tom. As you can see they’re taken their relationship a little further than ours and generously offered to help us along. Now get naked.
You’re not my husband, you’re my bitch. And now we’re going to have it tattoo’d on your ass so everyone knows it.
Haaaaaa yes crawl my husband. Crawl after them. I’ve given you to them for the day. And I better get a good report, or I’ll have them whip you in front of everyone.
Did you see your sisters’ faces when I tackled you and started dragging you around by your hair? Do you think they know who’s in charge in our relationship now? I showed them you’re nothing but my little bitch didn’t I?
What it comes down to is if you don’t give me ũ,000 I am going to kick your ass, tear your clothes off, and drag your naked ass around the neighborhood by a leash just like I did to your bigmouth cousin. We both know I’ll do it.
Crawl behind me my husband. You are going to serve my guests dressed as you are. I want them to see how I’ve transformed you during our 3 years of marriage. You are to speak respectfully only when spoken to and avoid eye contact. A simple
Hey honey you’re home. Just in time, Jonathan’s about to pick me up. We’ll probably be out late so kneel here, pull out your little dick and I’ll give you a quick hand-job. I know how much you love my hand so this should
Go ahead, try to get up. What’s the matter tough guy, can’t take your little sister? Say auntie and I’ll let you up before mom and dad get home. Then again it might be fun to see their faces.
Fuck you whiteboy, you’re not getting your pants or your underwear back. Your tears don’t mean nothing to me. You can walk your sorry ass home as you are. Next time you show proper respect to black women. And it’ll be a lot
I have bad news for you. My boyfriend wants me to beat you up again, but even worse this time. And this time he wants it to be in a public place and wants to record it for the internet. By the end he wants you crying and begging me for mercy.
I’m going dancing tonight with Ramon. Into your humbler. If the floors don’t shine when I get home, the caning I gave you last night will seem like nothing.