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surfjer:Luscious looking Good!!
Belly Lover
fattest-alien-deactivated202103:bitch, i’m a cow
neptitudeplus:“I’ve stuffed myself like a hog, gained 30 pounds of belly-fat, but… not even one stretchmark!!! I don’t know if I should quit or continue!”
neptitudeplus:She’ll need bigger clothes to fill her closet someday; she needs more pizza to fill her quarantine belly right now. (kiyokopiggy.tumblr.com)
neptitudeplus:Offering you all her softness, she only asks that you use her belly as your plumped-up pillow… (fatgirlyennifer curvage.org)
fatloove-deactivated20200819:OMG 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
thicquex:End of day one of stuffing myself however I want. How does it look like I went? I have to go to bed now, but this won’t all end up as extra fat…. right?
molotowcocktease:🎵 Masego & Ciscero “Good to know” I got carried away trying to take digitals for an agency…IG & SC: UnskinnyShero Twitter: CarinaShero
trouvervousautrechoseafaire:Good snack, happy girl 🍪 I wanted to take the time to thank you for following me. I enjoy our beautiful community and my head is full of plans for the future❤️
neptitudeplus:Girl and cookie both have smooth, red surfaces, and they’re both bulging with sugar, cream, and fat. Which treat do you prefer?
adiposed: onefatweeb: https://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=https2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fraynorrofficial%2Fstatus3Fs%3D09&t=OTUyN2Q3ZTdjYjc1ZDYxNGY2Yzk3ZTk2NmE1NTU5YmViM2RjYWZiNiw4NjdhNjZmNjM0MmEyOTU5NjZiOGQ0Y2MzMzk3NDFiYTdhZDNhMGZh
hazeleyesbbw:Nude belly play up on my onlyfans now!https://onlyfans.com/hazeleyesbbwOnlyFans
mariabbw: 2011 vs 2020 transformation.My double belly disappeared… I just ate myself into this huge woman, I’m almost the double of her now, and getting even bigger. 😍
bisexualfeederyo:Went from a size 6 to a size 18 😮
brownsugarxo1:Feburary 2020 to May 2020 😅 quarantine has done my body well. 50 pounds gained in a little over 2 months. Here’s to the next few months of netflix, binge eating, multiple door dash feast a day, amazing feeders and unemployment. You
thuridbbw: Between 220 and 280 lbs I gained evenly on my whole body, between 280 and 315 lbs I gained most of the weight on my belly and between 315 and 350 lbs I gained mainly on my thighs and butt. https://www.pillowfort.io/Thurid-B-B-W
eatformebabygirl-deactivated202:chub-by-deactivated20200601:Two years ago vs. today (yes that’s my fupa, not a thigh fold)Things have gotten out of hand
hendonisticslobdaddy: disgusterling: The Slob Life The Best Life
curvybbw:I keep thinking I need to lose weight, maybe yall can convince me otherwise.
neptitudeplus:It’s taken a while, but after she gains another 25 pounds or so, her body will finally fit the bikini properly!
neptitudeplus:She already looks like she’s about to explode. Can you imagine the size of this gluttonous gal’s belly after this gorging?!
neptitudeplus:Your first goal was to fatten your belly till it sat on your thighs. Then, till it touched the couch. Then your knees. Now your belly nearly touches the floor. What comes next?
neptitudeplus:Kyra’s quarantine exercise plan: 500 daily reps of the “Spoon Lift” which are adding tons of definition & tone to her arms & abs (KyraKane curvage.org)
neptitudeplus:Any girl can give you her full heart. Only the right one will also give you her empty belly to feed and fill. (geenamilva.tumblr.com)
neptitudeplus:“Feed me till my belt runs out of holes,” says the hungry hottie, “and then we’ll find other places you can fulfill me…”
caraatplay:bratguts:lets discuss this progressYaaaaassssss
thehistoryofheaviness:Model La'Shaunae Steward from Charleston, South Carolina
big-fat-babe-deactivated2021111:Another before and after 🥰🥰
neptitudeplus:Burgers are like snowflakes: insignificant alone, but in vast numbers they can make an avalanche– or her enormous belly…
tinybabymarshmallow-deactivated:I got so fat omg
adiposed: obesityslimits: adiposed: planned a photo, accidentally got a video, (taking socks off hands-free looks cuter than expected) 🙈 September 2019 / adiposed.tumblr.com Ohhhh my glob the way that belly wobbles and shifts…. Soo much
big-fat-babe-deactivated2021111:Fatty 😋😋
brendakthedonutgirl:@cryssymcfatfat #goals
neptitudeplus:What a wonderful body… it’s rare to see love handles so lush, they’re wider than her hips…
big-fat-babe-deactivated2021111:Looking nice and fat today 🤩
m-ary-deactivated20201019:pre vs. post stuffed w a dozen donuts 🍩
sbloveschub: WHY IS ROXY SO GOOD
trouvervousautrechoseafaire:Because the most important thing is : love what you see in the mirror and if people don’t like what he see, that’s their problem not yours. 💝
alex-storm:Plumper than before. If you’ve missed me. I’m on Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and Onlyfans as welovealexstorm.
hazeleyesbbw:ilovesoftfat:fattonibabe:youhave2b500lbsorhighertoride-d:Not a man but dayum! Ill do that to any one who looks like that hahahaha Hot dayuuuum 🤤👅It’s really hard to describe what a dream girl could look like, it’s meaningless
elliie-belliie-deactivated20220:I ate my weight in tacos last night
brendakthedonutgirl:komensky5:@sadie-summers #goals
sammysbellyshop:Lailani - Germanys fattest beauty
ililauraili: 🍔🍟🍔🍟🍔
mariabbw:I’m so freaking soft and jiggly 😍