Emma's Diaper Blog (emma-abdl.tumblr.com)
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I’m on my laptop and my bunny is helping me
(via The First BuzzFeed ABDL Diaper Quiz!) Check out the First BuzzFeed ABDL Diaper Quiz!click here to go to the quiz
Diapers and Chanel go together well ❤️
Getting dressed for the day… #ABDL
Do you think it’s time for a change?
Good morning! I slept like a baby
I’m wearing Zwitsal diapers and I love them (16 pics)See 16 pics on my blog:https://abdlgirl.com/2017/10/18/im-wearing-zwitsal-diapers-and-i-love-them-16-pics/Xx Emma
Age play and diapers in Massad fetish magazineHey you guys, did you see I’m in the October edition of the Dutch fetish magazine MassaD?I’m so excited about it because MassaD Magazine is read by thousands of kinksters, and for a lot of people it
Yaay I got the new Zwitsal diapers ❤️ Pic taken by @montuur
I ❤️ waking up diapered. #ABDL
Attends M10, I adore them ❤️❤️❤️
Yaay I’m featured in this month’s MASSAD Magazine ❤️ @massadmagazine You can view it online or buy the real magazine at DeMask Amsterdam @demask_international
From left to right: Lucky
My diaper and onesie underneath my clothes
I love Attends Slip Active ^_^Hey what do you prefer: video, pics or animated gif? Fill in the poll Xx Emma
I’m lounging in my ID diaper (13 pics)You know those days that you don’t want to get up and get dressed? That all you want to do is lounge on the sofa in your robe and a thick diaper? Yes, today is one of those days ^_^See 13 pics on my blog:https://abdlg
ABDL in American Dad.Quote from the drill sergeant: “The only people who can’t *do* pull-ups, *wear* pull-ups”. Xx Emma
I’m lounging on the sofa in my ID diaper (13 pics)You know those days that you don’t want to get up and get dressed? That all you want to do is lounge on the sofa in your robe and a thick diaper? Yes, today is one of those days See 13 pics on my
emma-abdl: Here’s a short doc about age play, by Spuiten en Slikken. It aired on Dutch television last night. And yes, that’s me, in a not so well done disguise
Come to the Club Luier ABDL meet in Amsterdam The Club Luier ABDL meet is on October 8 and its going to be brilliant again If you buy your ticket online, you’ll get free diaper! Check the website: luier.clubAre you on Fetlife?I’m hosting a Pancake
My teddy says “goodmorning!”
emma-abdl: My idea of a fun night ;-)Xx Emma
Here’s a short doc about age play, by Spuiten en Slikken. It aired on Dutch television last night. And yes, that’s me, in a not so well done disguise
Happy 18th birthday, Save Express!
Did you know…Tykables Overnight XL are only € 8.99 at Save Express. I like Save Express because they let me wear my Japanese school shirt in their pictures ^_^Click here to check those cute diapers out.Xx Emma
It’s raining so I’m wearing PVC
Pyjamas and diapers - I love it
Good morning diaper lovers! It was a Drynites night last night and I slept really well
My diapered trip to Tokyo – part 2 (8 pics)When I was in Tokyo I felt so much at home. It was babygirl heaven when I visited the Kawaii Monster Cafe. My friend Fabian-abdl took these supercool pictures. Xx EmmaSee 8 pics on my blog:https://abdlgirl.com/
Chilling on the bed with Tumblr on my phone :-)Xx Emma
I’m enjoying the view :-)Xx Emmamore pics on my blog:https://abdlgirl.com/2017/09/01/my-diapered-trip-to-tokyo-part-1-13-pics/
Have you seen the new Tykables? Save Express sells them for a very nice price: https://www.saveexpress.de/de/inkontinenz-einweg/windeln-pants-diapers/import/8890/tykables-pleather-windelhose-large-braun/gelb-size2-tp2-10er-packung?sPartner=emma
I’m at Save Express. Diapers, diapers, diapers, everywhere I look!
Look it’s the newest romper from Save Express. It makes morning diaper changes so much easier
Today it’s Molicare day
I bought this in Japan. Can you guess what it is?
Someone is taking sneaky pictures of my Molicare diaper
I’m being naughty in Japan
I found diapers in the supermarket!
I’m diapered in the airplane
Good morning Tokyo!
“it’s what’s inside that counts”
Have you tried the new Fabine Teddy Rose? There super nice, I love them
Guess which diapered bottom is going to TOKIO tomorrow??
Festival time - get your romper out!
Diaper booty in my romper
I love school uniforms and robots
When you think “my diaper should take one more” and you’re right but now you can’t move anymore
Teddy is checking on my diaper
BOOM! ZAP! POP! wearing Super Boompa today
Look what I found in my onesie!
I dare not sit down anymore
I’m visiting DeMask fetish boutique wearing a diaper (12 pics)I went shopping at DeMask, fetish boutique in Amsterdam. I tried on two transparent latex coats. I wore nothing underneath. Well, nothing but the bare neccesities ;-)See 12 pics of my visit:h
Making breakfast in my night diaper
I’m playing with the mannequins at DeMask Fetish Boutique