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My flame is gone
hell was the journey but it brought me heaven
Princess Carolyn
·Just a teenage dirtbag·
The Relatable Images
vintagegal: Yvonne Craig as Batgirl (1960’s)
Space Ghost Naftalina
curiosidads: Blog CuriosidadesFacebook || Twitter
o-asisqueen: diana99v
hi i'm mark
dorkly: The Greatest Gift of All For more comics, go to Dorkly.com!
Escape al vacío
gritos-silenciosos-11: cambiara-la-vida: no-me-conoces-no-opines: “La leyenda cuenta que Zeus, creo a la humanidad con dos cabezas,cuatro brazos y cuatro piernas. Después de un tiempo Zeus quiso hacerles una prueba a los seres humano separandolos
babustyles: Celebrities Read Mean Tweets #8
reuniclus: by キャラメリゼ・ナイトフィズ
I'm an artist :(
dorkly: The Terrible Truth About Destiny For more comics, go to Dorkly.com!
pikachugifs: SO CUTE
Yo tengo un corazón...
Things She Loves
pikachugifs: As a Canadian Pikachu I approve this.
plasticandcelluloid: Interestellar (Christopher Nolan, 2014) “Do not go gentle into that good night; Old age should burn and rave at close of day. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”
the-ocean-in-one-drop-deactivat: Interstellar (2014)
kristenstuwarts: Typical Kristen Stewart (x)
Weird Woman
the-personal-quotes: black & white quotes/GIFS
Querer es poder ♡
Palabras en Pastillas
catarsiseneluniverso: Adiós….
You're lovely
indirectas: Mi chica revolucionaria, Diego Ojeda.
morir-para-vivir: «Si tú me olvidas.»
stop-el-dolor-y-play-la-realidad: ¡∞Mas imagenes aquí∞!
in-es-ta-bi-li-dad: Y he comprendidoque uno es de donde llora pero siempre querrá ir a donde ríe
lizclimo: good luck with that
Ideas Viajando
0ce4n-g0d: Luna Roja by Miguel Angel Correa Sotelo
Die Alone
seamospoesia: Andamos en facebook www.facebook.com/SeamosPoesia
Wish you where here.
meryylstreep: Grease (1978)
Nothing else matters
Maktub ❤️🔥
darkmotion: My Beautiful Woman (III)
these-times-shall-pass: Are you a teen? This blog is for you!
these-times-shall-pass: babyanimalposts: Stop what you’re doing and watch this hedgehog baby animal posts daily
the-personal-quotes: Love quotes? you must follow this blog!
svz26: “El amor no se mira, se siente, y aún más cuando ella está junto a ti”.-Pablo Neruda
isquirtmilkfrommyeye: The Nintendo systems have changed, but the excitement has remained the same through generations.
mi-mundo-entre-libros: :(