Blog: dud.gif

tags: comic, grey, gray, bad, shit, badcomic, idontthinkthiswillmakemorethanonenote, i hope you enjoy, furry, furs, drawing, baddrawing, argharghar, argh, at least its here
ARGHARGHARGHAR THE COMIC…. ITS SO BAD XD I’M SORRY TO EVERYONE XD it is in the wrong angle so everyone will have to crane their necks to see this shit X3 oh andd the drawing is bad, the story is terrible and ahrhgahrgahrgahrgahrghagrhagrhgagh
tags: comic, grey, gray, bad, shit, badcomic, idontthinkthiswillmakemorethanonenote, i hope you enjoy, furry, furs, drawing, baddrawing, argharghar, argh, at least its here