you're after my robot bee! (
submit your pics
i was so goddamn confused for a second when i went into my inbox but i’m also very happy because lightning mcqueen is my baby and this is delightful. yes sarge and fillmore are married, probably canonicallyalso watch the third one if you wanna talk
S,,,Shiny,,,,(bullet-tothefeels)ohmygod QAQ this is wonderful
I colored it in and then added a couple filters cuz it felt like it needed it. :3(emptyheadfullstomach)oh it’s perfectly hellish, i love it
What a clown!(catisteard)excuse you??? he has NEVER clowned. he doesn’t even know what a clown is
I colored the drawing in AND added a nice little button to Yakko…. might have to zoom in to read it lol(emptyheadfullstomach)you gave color and life to the drawing that cursed my account for a day..and for that i thank you
Behold doggo and feel joy. She has her ducky. It squeaks.(soldierofjoy)oh my g o dshe’s. utterly beautiful. everyone please look at her
Ah… brotherly love.(sarispy56)that evil aura that accompanies what should be a simple greeting to your sibling. you know the one
:D (cartoonsareawesme)
doodlin-doods:drawbauchery: wakko took too long. i ate the kite. it tastes bittersweet(doodlin-doods)NO WHY?!! why?because im a bastard child NOOOOOO
wakko took too long. i ate the kite. it tastes bittersweet(doodlin-doods)NO WHY?!!
Dreamy boy in dream landI have no idea if this actually went through, but hey I’ll try!(catisteard) wHOA???
I really hope her kite will be safe…(silvermoon718)a full background..colorful jammies……a framed corn photo….it’s just so good
you're after my robot bee!
Insert sexy saxophone music here.(sarispy56)ohmyGOD
the butterfly seemed very ominous(tallphonse)can’t you tell by the blood-red lighting that he’s a friend??
that’s ok too
pretty sure that together they invented horny clownery. therefore wakko can’t be bothered by it. he’s been a clown all along
This image was calling to me. I have so many of your pics saved to be colors but this one had to be done n o w(lizzietrashkittie)aaHH
dot is my favorite to color(cartoonsareawesme)pink diva……
silvermoon718:@drawbauchery I hope Tumblr didn‘t mess up the quality too much. I know these ones in particular have been colored quite a bit now, but I really like coloring dresses and making them sparkle. I’m loving this arc. OH DANG?????
Here’s another Animaniacs color! I decided to join in on the napping Yakko renditions because it’s really cute. I keep pairing him with purple and green since those are the two colors he seemingly wears the most and they look good together. Also plaid
It was with those words “I like my kite” that the Frog Kite realized that it’s true feelings weren’t reciprocated in the way that it wanted. It had loved the girl as deeply as a kite could; to dizzying heights.When it was with the girl, it felt