Tainted Fantasy (dotbawah.tumblr.com)
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utahime5: markv5: Когда твой друг идиот
quadrinips: a tumblr Youth™: you got to get off the internet when you turn 21 bc i don’t like it me:
gayunicornattack:Looping the killer in Dead by Daylight in a nutshell.
honeyfawns: mid life crisis ? no no, mid DAY crisis. happens every day
doctor-anfelo: doctor-anfelo: Male bayonetta ______________________________________you can support me on: (Patreon) tbt
shelgon: shining-dusknoir: Now THIS worm knows how to party! 🎉
salty-dracon: From the Doomfist quotes page. Implying he expected nothing from Sombra.
tastefullyoffensive:Nailed it.
yugioh-network: The month has ended so the poll has been closed, as you can see, the ultimate favorite is: ★ Yuya Sakaki ★ The new poll of the month is now available, you can find it on the left side of the blog or click here if you’re using the
possumoftheday:Today’s Possum of the Day has been brought to you by: Fuzz!
idkijustwhat: if Maxie had an irrational fear of water after the events of sapphire
clippy:Good news everyone
commandobandit:Pokemon got dark as hell
sigeven-scribs: He deserves,,,, all the love,,,
dvaluvly: casual! dva :)
obviousplant: I made some “Advice From Nature” bookmarks Follow Obvious Plant on Facebook | Instagram
lulles:Happy birthday to Arin Hanson!!
Pokemon Trainer and Duelist
cadet76: i dont really do comics cuz im bad at them, but im hoping to start improving soonhave shitty doodle( im too tired to do something serious right now = u =)
aliceinidolland: Autumn Muse icons~ These are edits of Muse the first half of Aqours’ autumn set.~Free for use with credit~
methargicism: bitchvirgo: bitchvirgo: this…this is what i get angry and rant about when im super drunk ok even though i don’t know drunk me very well, i feel like she stated this very eloquently She said this so well, I’m so shook.
theamazingsallyhogan: h1ghlander360: This part gets me everytime.
sam-brochester: genalovestoons: skaviris: wow, this is like every anime fan remembering their weeaboo stage. Even Naruto is embarrassed of his Naruto stage. Even Naruto is embarrassed of his Naruto stage
IDEK What This Blog Is Anymore (NSFW at times)
egowave: this is the scariest tweet ive ever seen reading this made me feel like im in the twilight zone
weeniebagel: invokingbees: weeniebagel:*dips my dick in the listerine bottle and gargles it* Like Gargle it, with your dick? i know what i said
spltn: イカビート | やすし [pixiv] http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=50713809 Nice one!
sayitasyoucan:My Valentine Cards
tenaflyviper: werewolfstripclub: gifsboom: Red Eyed Albino Owl Is this a fairy Whatever it is, it’s clearly ancient and powerful. Also cute and fluffy.
jimmybuffett2: What your Favorite Mario Character says about you
Bara presenting nipples
gonenannurs: current mood: Pac-Man after drinking milk in Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures
thathomestar: guardian angels do exist
prokopetz: prokopetz: “Inappropriate student-teacher relationship” doesn’t always mean something sexual. My high school art teacher’s drug dealer was one of her own students, and you better believe he got straight As in that class - like, what
burning-wolf-den: Bless the pure joy this dog feels. May you feel the same!
losassen: a little rat
April and Andy
mod-mad-mod:oh god – i can’t believe you’ve done this nintendo
baraorclover: OMG can’t wait! This is why I’m getting Alpha Sapphire :)
hobermen:Pokecember Day 3: Reshiram
iopichio:proud grandpa