DirtySaga (dirtysaga.tumblr.com)
submit your pics
My contribution
Measure up
Receiving nudes, just for me, from non-porn blogs…OH MY! Seemingly innocent girls revealing their dirty side secretly; My dick cannot get any harder.
Want to chat? That’s awesome, I love to chat…however, can you not just send me “Hey”? Please.My response to “Hey”, is Hey/Hi. So let’s just pretend we’re at that point and ask me a question or something. Conversation.I get too many
My biggest fans of the past week are:1. http://dfydfhs230.tumblr.com/2. http://matabgd.tumblr.com/3. http://cool-sex-love.tumblr.com/4. http://areps.tumblr.com/Top post for the week is:http://dirtysaga.tumblr.com/post/135663280679
Busy with Xmas and that, will resume things next week and get back to chatting with people.Enjoy the Holidays :D
You absolutely must check out these blogshttp://destinationkat.tumblr.com/andhttp://danyraman3.tumblr.com/These blogs submitted a pic for my 50k challenge (correctly and within the time stated).
My biggest fans of the past week are:1. http://5813250.tumblr.com/2. http://steffen83.tumblr.com/3. http://dochobbitses.tumblr.com/4. http://likeclockworky.tumblr.com/Top post for the week is:http://dirtysaga.tumblr.com/post/134299441958/deep-dildo-traini
My biggest fans of the past week are:1. http://kyleweeweewang.tumblr.com/2. http://likeclockworky.tumblr.com/3. http://aymmo63.tumblr.com/4. http://bep86.tumblr.com/Top post for the week is:http://dirtysaga.tumblr.com/post/132765551314/huge-dildo-anal-rid
Myself (Smallest) and Wife’s Toys.
My biggest fans of the past week are:1. nigermo692. bigdaddyloky3. lovesecretgalaxypoetry4. dcamps95Top post for the week is:http://dirtysaga.tumblr.com/post/127819969958
My biggest fans of the past week are:1. jn53266432. bigdaddyloky3. sottoniko4. billierayTop post for the week is:http://dirtysaga.tumblr.com/post/132765551314/huge-dildo-anal-ride
This is a task to my followers to celebrate myself reaching 50,000 followers.I do Submission Sunday every week and those submissions have just been ‘anything goes’ submissions for the past few months. I share your submissions and everyone benefits.
My biggest fans of the past week are:1. smallthinquick2. chickenfriedfriend3. tinylittleloser4. fuzzi8uoutTop post for the week is:http://dirtysaga.tumblr.com/post/132765551314/huge-dildo-anal-ride
My biggest fans of the past week are:1. gs3131312. zteven-7013. thrustmaster6894. legnylonistTop post for the week is:http://dirtysaga.tumblr.com/post/132765551314/huge-dildo-anal-ride
My biggest fans of the past week are:1. theoutsideisjustthebeginning2. tony5803. erdal104. awesomezishTop post for the week is:http://dirtysaga.tumblr.com/post/121524375624
My biggest fans of the past week are:1. jeffmonteg2. cwambax3. diggerrealgood4. bone77boneTop post for the week is:http://dirtysaga.tumblr.com/post/125368982660/some-cock-love
My biggest fans of the past week are:1. mocca4haar2. we-suaraun3. obewand4. very-nice-thingsTop post for the week is:http://dirtysaga.tumblr.com/post/121524375624
My biggest fans of the past week are:1. fienotype2. kyleweeweewang3. tamayuysal264. stylesjarred67Top post for the week is:http://dirtysaga.tumblr.com/post/122806040314
My biggest fans of the past week are:1. 100flemming2. phatrik3. chanky20cm4. garyg36Top post for the week is:http://dirtysaga.tumblr.com/post/121524375624
My biggest fans of the past week are:1. tyjayva2. kortess-jr3. chanky20cm4. tobi192613Top post for the week is:http://dirtysaga.tumblr.com/post/114345455911
My biggest fans of the past week are:1. goldenghost752. asd19803. jordanfadedrodarte1874. judaflowerTop post for the week is:http://dirtysaga.tumblr.com/post/121524375624
My poor excuse of a black dick. I’m sure this will make girls laugh cause I don’t a BBC. It’s just at 6 1″
My biggest fans of the past week are:1. faskinated2. zacariri3. theonlynation4. runninfastTop post for the week is:http://dirtysaga.tumblr.com/post/128362336921Love you all!
It happens far too often around here. One day you’re enjoying the content provided by a wonderful kinky person, the next day they’re deactivated and they’re gone. Nobody says anything, these people just disappear without a trace. It sucks and I
My biggest fans of the past week are:1. antwaan402. deeemmz3. zacariri4. nbgbottomTop post for the week is:http://dirtysaga.tumblr.com/post/117636844258Stay awesome
My biggest fans of the past week are:1. thxuxs2. kdoggs20083. flxsl19774. maikistuffTop post for the week is:http://dirtysaga.tumblr.com/post/126542662278I’ve been gaining a lot more followers recently, I love you guys. I’ve
My biggest fans of the past week are:1. naldobarra2. martinkidwell3. eroticand3334. sosenderTop post for the week is (as always):http://dirtysaga.tumblr.com/post/122806040314Stay awesome!
My biggest fans of the past week are:1. sylvanchimera 2. funmodesto693. achillesalpha4. @cuckoldsvenTop post for the week is (once again):http://dirtysaga.tumblr.com/post/122806040314Love you people!
My biggest fans of the past week are:1. @zacariri2. @dirtydirtythings3. kingofkings2694. @dickaddictedwhoreTop post for the week is:http://dirtysaga.tumblr.com/post/117636844258Thanks everyone
My biggest fans of the past week are:1. pryany2. kingofkings2693. @zacariri - Always here, thank you :D4. @bbwlovermilfyahoocomTop post for the week, for the 3rd week in a row, is: http://dirtysaga.tumblr.com/post/122806040314 Maybe these posts are helpin
Earlier this evening I reached 30,000 followers. The lucky 30,000th follower was rickyman75Thank you all for the support, messages and all that. Keep being awesome and I’ll keep providing content that you hopefully like.
My biggest fans of the past week are:1. mrdeanjek2. @hotnmotion3. @zacariri4. roguesdoitquietlyTop post for the week, for the 2nd week in a row, is: http://dirtysaga.tumblr.com/post/122806040314 Thanks everyone. Keep being awesome
hersissycukbtch-hisdrtylittlegrl: cuckoldpleasure: Cuckold Pleasure: Don’t you hate fucking her after a big cock bull and all she does is laugh because she can’t feel your little dick? No, I didn’t think so. I love it too. Lmao, I could have
Such a cutie
Open and drooling for cock
She’s a hot one