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belowaveragesnowflake: it’s always hilarious to me how straight men have such impossible standards for women–conventionally “pretty” without makeup, they hate women who like video games or sports, but they think you’re shallow if you don’t
O r e s t e s
the-real-ted-cruz: Hey ladies: wear red lipstick, wear skirts, wear dresses, wear winged eyeliner, wear the “girliest” clothes you can find, or don’t. Wear whatever the heck you want, and don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise.
uppityfemale: Hopefully sooner than later. I’m sure there’s many of you out there that are just as heartbroken as I am. Just as disillusioned. Just as shocked. We’ll get through this together.
activistnyc: #NotMyPresident: Protests erupted in New York City on November 9, 2016 after Donald Trump was announced the elected President of the United States. In Columbus Circle, just outside one of Trump’s buildings, activists chanted “Not My
illegallemonade: Rise up and fight for what you believe in
the-real-ted-cruz: boys that are masculine👌 boys that are feminine👌 boys that are cis👌 boys that are trans👌 boys that have light skin👌 boys that have dark skin👌 boys that are outgoing👌 boys that are shy👌 boys 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
thetrippytrip: I’m so sorry to know that another woman had to go through this. I stand I solidarity with you.
Pretty things
fromthemotionpicture: Hillary Clinton’s concession speech | Nov. 9, 2016
kid-with-plans: I’m here for you!!
This blog is a pro-choice, pro-feminism, pro-body diversity, anti-racism, pro-LGBTQIA+, pro-free healthcare, pro-free education, anti-Trump blog
real-life-chibi: I’m so sick of white people. Yes, white people, myself included. We let this happen. It was the white vote that screwed us over. We need to acknowledge as a race that there is something fundamentally wrong with the way we treat POC.
themadtilde: donald trump spelled backwards is pmurt dlanod and that sounds stupid as fuck just like he is
giggleboxx3000: Me, a minority: When I die, I want Trump supporters, third party voters, the people who chose not to vote and the entire white-american community to lower me into my grave so they can let me down one last time.
dontbeallupinmyfriesdawg: On Wednesday I seriously didn’t want to go to school.I was experiencing depression. It was the day right after my birthday and then this shocking and terrifying thing happens.But then I realised something.People like Drumpf,
flawlessmixedgirl: Please tell me more
mariexvx: trump protest last night, los angeles. there were thousands of us. so powerful
colorroutsidethelines: “To all the little girls watching…never doubt that you are valuable and powerful & deserving of every chance & opportunity in the world.”
resurrecting-myself: Anti-Trump Protest Milwaukee, Wisconsin 11/10/16
artwillsetyoufree: Photographed the Anti-Trump Protest in Louisville, Kentucky tonight November 10th 2016. #notmypresident
letsgetnakedanddojumpingjacks: WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED
sarahkarlanphotos: Oakland, CA on 11/9[photos by Sarah Karlan]
inthetides: Vice President Mike Pence also believes in gay conversion therapy and he believes there’s “too much talk” with the black lives matter movement. He wants to remove Barack Obamas executive protections on LGBTQ rights. He’s previously
theproblackgirl: This is exceptional. #mannequinchallenge for “Black in Blue” The Movie, produced by (@blackinbluefilm_) team and friends. “We will continue to stand for justice and create change through our art. To be a part of our movement
nevaehtyler: It’s your move, white allies.
For those of you who don’t understand why so many of us are scared of a Trump presidency
nightandgay: many us citizens fear being attacked because of their race, skin color, sexuality, hijab etc. and she’s complaining over a shirt she can easily take off 🙃🙃🙃
un-wvnted: I am so tired of seeing “trump is elected, get over it”, “protesting won’t do anything” like i’m sorry but protesting is a CHOICE, you don’t have to protest if you don’t want to but silencing someone who is negatively affected
ithelpstodream: MOOD.
shitheadgod: Thousands rail against Trump: Protesters march on 101 Freeway in L.A., burn Trump’s head in effigy(photos by Marcus Yam)
jassntodd: the “make america great again” line fucks me up every time. because. we have literally gotten to the most diverse and accepting point we have ever been in history, and we still have a lot of problems. so if trump really thinks america
fakealiens: ✊🏼🏳️🌈❤️♀
Birdsy Purplefish
ithelpstodream: I don’t want to hear it ever again.
lela-queen-of-the-water-tribe: Today my favorite teacher had this written on his board
narcotic-waste: 🔮
wsrod-chmur: b&w edit
just-shower-thoughts: If we don’t accept refugees because 2 out of 100 M&M’s are poisoned then why is it OK the have “a few bad apples” in a police department?
🌜RAD-ASS Bitch🌛
thank u, next
grungeac: Sorry boys, this blog is for Grunge Queens only
broken hearts club
cupsnake100: richhoneytrader100: cupsnake100: The Earth… Is A Cup Explain Holds Things
Nasty Woman
lesbianslovesatan: +