DevilsCry (
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I’ve been looking for MMD models to port *cough*onceimdonewithnierautomata*cough* and…. well…. uhm… how to say this…I’m the only one who finds “ironic” the fact that someone takes a model, made a nude base for it, changes
Aaaaand 3000 followers, yay~~~ (i gave up on photoshop long time ago, sorry)(Obligatory picture without text…. and without clothes :p)I don’t know what to say… besides the fact that you’re all crazy for following someone like me, but
Uuuhm… just in case, since this is the fourth/fifth time that happens and it’s a bit awkward ^^U: feel free to talk with me for tumblr chat if you want (or mail if you’re too shy). I don’t bite (unless you want me to owo xD), and i’ll
servantesnc: Red XIII and Yuffie practicing some teamwork - Audio DubAnimation by @devilscryVoice by : x Red 13 - reverb.mp4?dl=0Dropbox - No Reverb: https://w
alacritas13: Ah~…..what would the world be without friends^^A big shoutout to @devilscry for helping me with my contendAnd like @devilscry, @kushishekku and many other, they all helped me to get slowly better with my animations.To all of you, have
Animation Gotta catch ‘em all… :3Here you have the original video and a “static” camera, in case you jsut want to see the “action” :pVideoStatic CameraYou know… Internet is sometimes a weird place and some of us are sick bastards
nicobay1: indigosfmworks: jellokaatsfm: masterbronyart: askfibs: Courtesy of DigitalDomain123 (journal here) I’ve been made aware of a fraud site stealing artists’ work and selling them as posters. While my name does not
(Third time is the charm, i guess. Sorry for all the troubles with the links. Everything accorded to break at the same time :D). I’m publishing this again as a new entry because i don’t trust how tumblr handles updates on posts already reblogged,
It seems the Red XIII Yuffie links are broken or not loading for some people. I’ll try to fix it later uploading them to (is still working, i thought it closed o.o). I’ll probably make a new post in 12 hours, once i’m back
devilscry: (Nope, it isn’t an animation….. yet :p) Here is the picture uncensored (warning, beast content): link My intention was to rest this weekend….. then i remembered that maybe in two weeks “Nier: Automata” will be available for PC…
(Nope, it isn’t an animation….. yet :p)Here is the picture uncensored (warning, beast content): linkMy intention was to rest this weekend….. then i remembered that maybe in two weeks “Nier: Automata” will be available for PC…
After seeiing this awesome picture of Sophia from Final Fantasy XIV… i really miss @ohgodzilla . How i wish someone could port these awesome models and make a nude edit for them…Ehh…. uh….…absolutely NOT for porn, yeah&h
wanksysfm: froggy-sfm: studiofow: negativecoresfm: thecunnysseur: I was able to deal with the random popups on r34hentai, even with 3 adblockers. But now the jew added a popup to remove your adblock. I am now eternally boycotting that site. (yes disab
Yay~~~ today has arrived a package that i ordered one month ago with some doujinshis from the Winter ComiKet~~~ A nice compilation of a story involving Yukari, Ran and Chen Yakumo. SFW…A couple of small “artbooks” with Miqo’tes from Final
Katsuragi from Senran Kagura available on SFMLab. LinkHere she is :3. It took less time than expected to port her, and the result is not bad at all ^^I don’t exactly like these models from Senran Kagura, so i don’t really want to “waste” time
Well, @yadalieu… Not sure what has bitten me, but after your “ask“ i had a bit of curiosity about this Katsuragi model. @ambrosine92 passed me some models of her (thank you ¬¬ ): clothed, bikini and nude version. I’m terrible merging models,
You know you’re hopeless when you see a picture like this one and your first thought is “OMG! is that a VF in the background???”….….….Macross was part of my childhood, ok? T-T
AnimationRamesses giving some moral support to Ran :3 (while having some fun too, because why not? I envy this guy T-T)After testing it with this new animation, i’m totally switching to 60 fps for sure. Thanks to exporting as “Image Sequence” i
I see this…“Model probably won’t be released”And what’s all this “yeah, i’ll let you download this model from X date to Y” crap? you either share the model or not. Why setting a time limit? I found some nice models (a good nude model
Oh, nice, so this pokemon model is finally available on the SFM Workshop…………God, is so tempting…………. why, Nintendo, why.
Mmm do you know if there is a stream site like twitch or picarto that saves the sessions? I would like to try to stream stuff (if my potato pc allows it), but since i’m barely available (specially for most of your timezones), it would be nice if
devilscry: Animation (60fps version, woot *-*) Who’s a good boy? :3 Here you have the video an several cameras by separate Video Camera 1 Camera 2 Camera 3 I wanted to do this animation looong time ago, and i have to admit that it’s way better
aardvarkianparadise: - shutting downI predicted this happening since I started using it, but more imminently from about 3 months ago. When Mixtape needed to raise over 跌 a month and was struggling to hit the mark, with every
jim994: ruby pajamas Mmmmmmm i need this xD