Blog: Crown's Things

tags: gryphon, oc, THANK YOU, FANGAZUM, askglottalstop, this so cool!, bird thing, thankyou, I didn't draw this, clearly, i'm loving it
askglottalstop: Catbird belongs to crown95 At first I was just scrolling and laughing. Then I SAW IT AOFIJMEFOI! HA HA HA WHY THANK YOU OMG OMG OMG! LFSADFO I LOVE THIS OMG OMG OMG OMG! I CAN"T HANDLE THIS RIGHT NOW! THIS IS SO COOL! (I
tags: gryphon, oc, THANK YOU, FANGAZUM, askglottalstop, this so cool!, bird thing, thankyou, I didn't draw this, clearly, i'm loving it